Chapter 6 Todoroki

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You and the blue eyed guy have been sitting in the room for hours it seemed like. "Can you remember anything else?" He said in a low raspy voice.


You fall back on the bed, huffing as you did. "It's seem I'm not going to remember anything, so let me go."

"You're right." As he said that he got up from the chair he was sitting on and left.

"This is a waste of time. I need to see Bakugou!" You mentally yelled.

The door opens letting light in "come with me." You hear an unfamiliar voice say. "Why should I"

"If you want to leave, then come with me." The male voice said with anger. "What's his problem, I'm the one who's kidnapped here."

You slowly got up, being cautious of your whereabouts. "Any day now." He says

Before you could get you snarky remark out someone grabs you from behind, and holds you tight. At first you were scared but, your body seemed to relax, like it was familiar. "Don't worry" he said

You could feel your body melt in his warm embrace. Your eyes start to close, like you were extremely tired "wh-what are you doing to me" you said in a low soft voice.

"Don't wohthufnng" you couldn't make out what he was saying.

Your eyes slowly open and adjust to the light. "Where am I"

"You're awake" you hear the pro's deep voice. You heart skips a beat, you spring to live it felt like. "Bakugou" you said breathless. His once ruby eyes were blood red looking deep into your soul.

At this moment you felt scared terrified even. "B-Bakugou is e-everything alright" 

He watched you for a couple more seconds, like was studying you. It clicked in your head "maybe he trying to see if I'm really me."

"It's me Bakugou" you said looking into his eyes.

When you said his eyes softened, but you could tell that he still didn't trust you.

"Remember when you held my hand." You said looking away from him. "Your hand was so soft, honestly I was surprised how soft it was." You chuckled at that.

You looked back up at him, and he was intently listening to your every word. "You know, I liked  it when you held me hand. I started to f..." you stopped what you were saying. A small smile finds its way on your face. "I started to feel things I've never felt with anyone."

"What do you mean" the pro finally speaking.

"I mean..." you took a long pause. "I mean that I've never felt safe with anyone other than you." You wanted to say something else but you decided against it.

"That's what I'm supposed to do, make people feel safe." He said in a low serious voice.

He obviously didn't get what you were saying. You sighed, "they took me, and I was so scared." "The first lie you told."

"All I could think about was you." Bakugou gets up and he walks over to you. "I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you." You could hear the uncertainty in his voice.

He pulls you into a hug, his arms wrap around your body like it was meant to be held by him. The safe feeling returns.

You wanted to tell him what happened, but you knew that wouldn't be a good idea.

"I'm glad you're okay." You could tell he was holding something back, like he new something.

You started to feel maybe this whole assistant job wasn't just a fluke,"maybe this where I'm supposed to me."

The pro tightens his hold around you, pulling you closer to him. You instinctively put your hands in his hair, surprised his blonde hair was soft.

"I was so worried about you y/n" Bakugou mumble "I looked everywhere for you. Your the best thing that's happened to me." Bakugou voice sounded so soft. "I knew the moment I met you I would like you."

Your heart flutter at his words. "I'm glad you stayed as long as you did. Everyone leaves me." He said in a low deep whisper.

You lay back in the bed you were on, you and Bakugou fell into a comfortable silence.

After awhile the silence was broken by Bakugou's soft snores. You hands were still in his hair. You wish that you could be like this forever.

You turn in your side, trying not to wake the pro up. Bakugou pulls you into him. His head laid perfectly between your neck and shoulder.

"Please don't ever leave me" Bakugou says

Hearing Bakugou steady breath and slight snore, made you tired.

Your body felt light and cold. You didn't remember falling asleep. You open your eyes you turn your head to see if Bakugou was till laying next to you, but he wasn't.

You get up from the bed, and walk to the front door. You see the pro leaning against the wall across from your door.

He looks up from his phone. "You're awake" the once soft voice replaces with distance words.

"I have a meeting in a few. Get dressed so we can go." you could tell that he didn't want to talk about earlier, so you respected it.

Once you were dressed you left the hotel room, and tried to find the elevator.

Finally you see the elevator, but it was closing "wait hold the door" luckily the person in the other side did. The elevator doors open and you see this handsome guy. He had a noticeable burn scare in his face. His one blue eye seemed familiar."thank you for holding the door." You say to him.

"Your welcome" he says in a soft deep voice
His half white and red hair shined in the elevator light. "Shoto my name is shoto" he says raising his had to shake yours "I'm y/n"

The elevator opens, and Bakugou steps in looking at shoto "Todoroki, what are you doing here."

"I'm here for the speech." He says looking at you. "Todoroki" you mumble to yourself.

"That name, why did I say his name."

Sorry for the wait guys. Been really busy. What do think is going on?

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