Malvillen Cartez

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I hear screaming and things crashing so I know Lust and Memphis are fighting..

I usually dont pay attention because before I got kidnapped they fought..

But this time was differnt because she was pleading for her life...

I tiptoe to the door and peep out a small hole in the wall and watch in horror as Lust stabs Memphis and strangely the crazy bitch was calm..

I fall to the floor because one im sure Memphis was dead and two she was probably gong to kill me...

I silently say a prayer and.....


The door flies open...

Lust stares at me all bloody ,eyes glazed over.

"Your free to go, I dont need neither one of you!!"

She leaves me standing in the middle of the room...

I creep out the room and watch Lust grab a big duffle bag full of money from behind a couch..

"Im leaving half of this for you for your trouble,im sorry we couldnt remain friends but I need money and plus I need to leave before your uncle comes looking for me.."

I remain silent and watch her go...

I reamain standing for 30 more seconds before I run out the door and outside...

I know I look crazy but I truly dont care im free and it feels good..

I mustve ran for what seemed like hours but soon grew tired..

I was sitting on the ground catching my breath when a car slows down then stops

Im not paying attention because im wondering should I go back and get the money...

A voice startles me and I spin..

"Im sorry"! Do you know someone name Rat ?

I look at him and for some reason let him help me up..

He had the sexiest black eyes I had ever seen.

"Sorry for being rude, im Treacherous."

I smile and blush..

Have you heard of love at first sight??

" I.. I uh.. Malvillen...

He laughes and I see sharp teeth an his eyes gets darker but im not afraid..

"Come with me"......

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