The darkness grew as the Darkling started to form a blade in thin air, aimed right at Kaz—the Cut.

"Stop," Raya ordered, holding her hand out, fingers curling around the invisible bond forming between her and the Darkling.

She'd never been able to control his thoughts or actions, at least not until now. He stood there, hands frozen in place but lightly shaking, trying to overpower her ability. His eyes were gazing between Raya and Kaz. It took all her energy, had her nose bleeding from the effort, and it worked only for a short while until she felt him push the connection away, slowly breaking it and start to move the Cut again.

Just before the blade hit him, Kaz threw the explosive in his hand to the ground with all his might, using the distraction of the smoke left in its wake to get himself, Raya and Callus to safety.

They left General Kirigan staring at the spot Raya had once stood, now covered in rubble and dust.

When the pair returned to the rendezvous point, the sun had already crept up high into the sky, encasing the world in daylight. Jesper and Inej were already there, the latter clutching her side as blood seeped through her clothing.

Raya gasped, handing Callus over to Kaz as she sped over to her friend. There wasn't much her power could do to heal an injury but she could trick her mind into feeling a bit better. Despite feeling nearly drained both mentally and physically, she grasped Inej's arm, feeling the bond fully form, and stated to the girl, "It doesn't hurt."

Just like that, Inej stopped whimpering. Though she still hunched over and grasped at the wound, it felt more like she was doing it to keep from bleeding out more than to manage the pain it was causing her.

"Thanks," she breathed out to Raya, who nodded at her.

The Grisha turned back to Kaz, letting him wipe away the dried blood beneath her nose with his gloved hand as she stated, "I don't think she can manage a horse. We'll have to come up with another plan to get out of this city." She glanced over his shoulder, seeing one of the Darkling's wagons parked a few feet away. "Or not. You can just thank me later. I know I'm good at thinking on my feet."

The four walked up to the carriage, quickly forming a plan in case there was someone inside. Jesper opened it from one end, finding a man in a blue kefta reading a book inside.

"Oh, hello," he grinned at the Grisha. In a haze, the stranger tossed his book at Jesper, going to exit on the other side of the vehicle. As he got out, Kaz grabbed his cane in his hand and, with a strong and powerful swing, knocked the Durast out cold when it made contact.

Jesper followed his path out onto the other side of the carriage, holding the Grisha's reading material. "He threw a book at me," he stated in astonishment.

Raya glanced down at the Grisha––David. "Saints," she mumbled, "Genya's not going to like this." She turned to Kaz. "I could've just compelled him. You do know I have powers, right?"

Kaz shrugged, gesturing for Inej to get inside the empty wagon. "You're drained and tired. You should be resting, not using more power," he excused before holding a hand out to Raya to help her in as well.

They traveled along the Sokol River until they were closer to Kribirsk than they were to Ryevost. They stopped only when the moon was high in the sky, in a small town named Adena. Raya immediately found an Inn and the four plus their pup made their way inside.

"We'll need a few rooms for the night," she told the Innkeeper, grasping her arm and feeling the connection take shape. Though it was minimal effort, the magic had taken more of her energy, and had her nose bleeding once again.

"I only have two left," the Innkeeper informed.

"Then they're ours. Give us the keys." She nodded, turning around to grab the keys and unknowingly follow Raya's orders.

When the Innkeeper dangled them out in front of the group, Jesper snatched one up and stated, "I'll look after Inej's wound." He left Raya reaching for the other key before leading Kaz and Callus up the stairs and towards the rooms of the Inn.

Once inside the room, Raya left Callus down and took notice of her surroundings. There was a fireplace along one wall and a window along the parallel one. In between sat a large bed and a mountain of fluffed pillows and covers, looking as inviting as ever.

Raya immediately laid down on the bed, letting out a moan of contentment and relaxation. She had used more of her power today than ever before and to say it left her feeling exhausted was an understatement.

Despite his arguments, she pulled Kaz onto the bed, feeling his body instantly melt into the mattress. Callus found a comfortable spot between the two. They laid there for a long while, not talking or moving––just laying in comfortable silence.

Then, Raya turned to face Kaz, seeing him already staring at her. He reached down, wiping the remnants of the blood under her nose away with the pad of his thumb. Then, he let his hand delicately cup her cheek.

Thinking of all the practically saint-like power she'd demonstrated today, he let out a lighthearted chuckle and shook his head. "Sankta Raya," he teased, making the girl before him break out into a smile. "How many more times are you going to save my life?"

She shuffled closer to him, nose practically grazing against his. "As many times as you'll let me," she breathed out softly, eyes glued to his lips.

His eyes were on Raya's own as his free arm wrapped comfortably around her waist. In a whisper, he begged, "Don't leave me again."

"Never," she promised, finally capturing his lips in a soft kiss. She made sure to memorize the softness of his lips, the sweetness of the kiss. She felt light, like she was floating in the air. She felt warm and safe, like she was finally where she belonged.

Most importantly, she felt loved.

RAYA ▸ SHADOW AND BONEWhere stories live. Discover now