part 4: The freshers day part 1

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Alina: hey babe happy anniversary

Myaank: happy anniversary my princess.
* they share a kiss and some quality time together*

Devashish: wait I thought ur guys anniversary wasnt  till next month

Alina: ya but that's our dating anniversary this for when we first time shared our food together waali anniversay

**everyone started laughing*

Myara: achaa but now if ur done with ur preps lets go for shopping for tommrows day

Amar: u guys go I ll catch u guys in an hour I have a work that i have to do for my mom

Myara: okie see ya guys

***At abhimanyu's house super six was particing hard* after that they take a break

Kiara: we have a suprise for you
They give her key chain that says super seven

Ashi: wait but y is it super seven cause now not only ur a friend but also our permanent band member

Ashi jumps and gives a group hug to all

Ashi: thank u so much guys this means the world

Abhimanyu: thnx pretty  🥰

Kiara: awwww
Acha guys me and the girls are going for shopping for our dress for tommrrow pls just don't mess anything and keep practicing

**the girls go to the same mall/shop as the fab 5 goes**

Myara and alina were selecting dresses but suddenly they get a call  so  they went to take the call in the corner

Mean while ashi , samira and Kiara comes
Kiara: how much is this for its really pretty.
*alina and myara comes *

Alina: it's ours not for u loosers
Kiara: hey talk with respect
Myara: u guys don't get respect aye bade fab 5 se competition karne
They start fighting for the outfit
Kiara: I took it went u left it went away so it's me
Alina: no it's mine
Myaank : guys just shut the  hell up
And u miss malhotra take this dress and leave before we do anything else bad to u just leave * with those intense eyes and manik *
Samira: what the hell ya
Kiara: it's ok ya we got the dress na so chill karna

*mean while at the same shop*
Alina: what's wrong with myaank have u lost it

Myaank: no I haven't it's just a dress and I don't think anyone cares abt it that than there own reputation ryt

Myarah: umm.yaaa soo

And then everyone smiles at each other *the dangerous smile *
*myaank disscuss  the plan what they are gonna do on freshers day *
They can't even think abt what's gonna happen tommrow

Pls stay tuned for what's going to happen on thier freshers day episode
Also thank ya all for so much support.
Love ya all ❤

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