Chapter 2

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Once Jennie steps out of the car, cameras automatically go up, clicking away with her every move. Her smile shines and this time, there's much more meaning to it than the usual. She was in the middle of signing an autograph for a very ecstatic blonde woman who was telling Jennie about a friend who is secretly a huge fan of hers when the rain starts pouring down on them. It wouldn't exactly be surprising if it wasn't all bright and cloudless. Nobody could have possibly predicted it to happen.

Jennie had only experienced sun showers once or twice in her life thus, the look of amazement on her face. She always found it to be quite magical which is why she has always kept the belief that when sun showers occur everything you wish at that moment comes true. Childish it may seem, Jennie's uncontrollable thoughts which she had voiced out earlier made their way back in her head, forming an innocent wish even though she knew it to be impossible. But hey, there's no harm in trying.

In contrary to her calmness, everyone around her however was scramming to find shade to hide. It wasn't only when Mino pulls her along does she realize that she isn't done signing for the woman, who is sweet enough to wait for a couple of hours in front of the club only to have Jennie sign dedication for her friend.

"Wait, wait!" she calls out at Mino, managing to write a short message and the first letter of the name of said friend. She and the woman were slowly getting drenched in the rain and before she could write the last letter she was successfully dragged inside the club by additional security, her hand forcibly separated from the other females' grasp while the pen she used she realizes, is still in her other hand. The doors close behind her, separating Jennie from the world outside, a situation she has grown up in. Both her parents were known in their own field and ever since she was young, the entertainment industry has become her home, red carpets and movie sets were her playground and famous people in the industry were her extended family.

So when did it start? When did Jennie start dreaming of breaking away from the life she was born into? The answer lies simply in the eyes of a 7-year-old girl at an orphanage she went to last Christmas in support of a friend's foundation. Moved by the sad predicament of the children, she immediately asks ruby, the adorable 7-year-old she had been easily drawn to, what gift she wanted for Christmas. Jennie remembered her own Christmas wish when she was the same age, an expensive music set she begged her father to buy. Little Ruby, however, didn't seem interested in dolls or any toy in particular as she pointed towards the ice cream stand the foundation brought in. Surprised at such a simple request, she watches the child eating the treat as if she had never had the luxury of doing so. She found out later that day that it was some of the children's first time eating ice cream, little Ruby included. In short, after a whole day of running around barefoot across the huge backyard, playing games she wasn't familiar with, eating children's snacks her mother had deemed too unhealthy, laughing at funny stories she was hearing for the first time, and listening to such innocent dreams, Jennie was suddenly getting a peak of some kind of world she has never known until now. It was like her eyes opened for the first time.

Tonight, however, she was opening her eyes to the bright lights that illuminated the stage, people screaming her name, and the electronic beat of her song. Jennie's music style had evolved through the years. She started with acoustic and pop songs, to hip-hop mixed with RnB, and now with her recent collaborations with famous idols and artists, she has mixed all of those styles with electronic dance music. As always, Jennie's performances start and end with a bang as she poses at the end with her backup dancers, a smile on her face as the crowd cheers. Another outstanding performance finished.

Staying for only a short while, she eventually bid her goodbyes to friends and acquaintances lounging at the VIP section before heading back out to her car. The light sun shower earlier had now turned into a downpour as she held onto Mino's arm. They quickly make their way into the vehicle, umbrellas shielding them from getting wet. In the midst of all that, familiar flashes from cameras continue to assault her eyes. Thankfully, they made it in safely, and finally, Jennie could take a much-needed rest. She can finally be alone, as she has always been behind the cameras. Leaning her seat back, she settles down comfortably, closing her eyes and humming a response to Mino's complaints about the weather.

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