"I'm keeping the car" Aurora proclaimed once her tears had dried and she no longer felt that gut wrenching pain in her chest.
"You can keep the bloody car, I'll tell Tommy tomorrow that you've done a swap I'm sure he'll be alright with it" Polly smirked and bending down until their faces were close she lifted her hand and petted Aurora's cheek "You leave everything to your Aunt Polly"
"I think I'll go have a lay down, this night has been exhausting. I'll go 'ome in the morning" Aurora yawned, her eyes feeling incredibly heavy and her body already protesting against the drive home. At least she would have a beautiful car to do it with even if it did smell like Thomas Shelby.
"You understand why I'm doing this don't you darling?" Polly wondered hoping Aurora wasn't seeing her as the new enemy. Perhaps it would better once Aurora had a few days to herself to see the reason and come to terms with it.
"Of course I do Polly, you don't do anything that's not in the family's, my best interest even if it does hurt" Standing up Aurora placed her lips against Polly's cheek and wrapped her in an embrace "Polly Gray I love you and I hope you never doubt that"
And Polly never would, not when Aurora stared at her with such love and affection. Now if only Tommy looked at her the same way once she told him the news. It was unlikely, instead Polly began to prepare herself for a storm.

Arrow house
She'd been staring at the painting on the wall since it had arrived that morning and been placed high above the staircase for everyone to see. She couldn't believe it was finally here after weeks of being stuck on a ship, it was all she'd wanted back from her old life. Luckily there was no damage and the painting was in a state of perfection despite the rough Atlantic sea.
"Grace?" She heard Tommy call out from the front door having made his way home from his night out with Arthur and John.
"Well look who finally remembered his way home" Grace smiled lightly pulling her eyes away from the painting and coming to stand by the stairs. Gripping hold of the bannister she lifted herself onto her tiptoes and stretched her neck in order to peek over and see Tommy making his way towards her.
"I know you don't often spend time with your brothers anymore Tommy but I still would of liked it if you came home or even called to tell me where you were" She continued placing one hand against her bump remembering how she'd spent the night feeling the baby's foot digging into her ribs.
"You know not to wait up for me by now Grace, I always come home don't I?" Tommy sighed, lightly smiling up at her. He'd just spent time being lectured by Arthur after last night's events. Tommy had woken up in Watery Lane alone and a car short and Arthur had unfortunately offered to bring Tommy home. With his head still pounding from Arthur's constant questions Tommy didn't want to be questioned further, not when his mind was already preoccupied.

"Well now that you're here I have something to show you" Grace chirped, the concern on her face turning into one of joy as she turned back to the painting.
"What is it?" Tommy enquired beginning to walk up the stairs, his body heavy and restless causing his knees to wobble with each step.
"I fell in love with a painting while I was in London with Clive. It went back to New York with him with me to follow after but when I decided to stay I thought I would never see it again until it arrived at our door today. It was a farewell gift from him, he sent a letter wishing me to take good care of it and remember the happiness I had felt that night at the exhibition. The painter is anonymous but it didn't matter, the beauty is what entrapped me in that moment" Grace explained, growing more excited as she watched Tommy jerk back in surprise upon laying eyes on the painting. She'd never seen him look so surprised, not that she blamed him, the piece was beautiful.

Tommy felt as if the world was playing a trick on him. He wondered if he was being punished on blessed. There in front of his very eyes, now resting high on his wall was Aurora, well a piece of Aurora, staring down at him mockingly, taunting him with the fact she would always be there to haunt him, even in his own home.
It was the painting Tommy had took a liken too all those months ago when he had helped Aurora clear out her loft. The exhibition Grace mentioned had been the one he'd put on to showcase to the world just how wonderful his mouse and her paintings were. When it was sold never did Tommy think it would make its way back to him especially not because of Grace and her husband.
"Breathtaking isn't it?" Grace boasted triumphantly resisting the urge to reach out and run her fingers along the texture of the paint.
It seemed it was only fitting for the pair of them to have something in the house that represented the hurt they had caused to make it here. Grace betrayed her husband and Tommy betrayed Aurora and now they were both here with them wanting that betrayal to be known yet it appeared only Tommy would be the one to see it. To Grace the painting brought her happiness but to Tommy it was everything that was wrong between them.
"Certainly is" Tommy finally responded casting his eyes away from the painting and turning to walk back down the stairs "How about some lunch Grace?"
"I'd love that Tommy" Grace grinned, eagerly following Tommy. It wasn't often he took time out the day to be at home so Grace would take whatever opportunity she had to spend time with him. She just hoped his mind would stay within the room with her for once.

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