Ep 8: Goodbyes

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See you later Hollywood

Three and a half weeks pass by in a blur. It's spent with all my friends, and my boyfriend. Tori and I joined the fake ping pong team, and she kissed Cat's boyfriend. We performed at a karaoke bar to get back at the owner's daughter, and Rex got shredded in a giant machine. Which resulted in us taking the puppet to the hospital, pretending it died, Tori 'reviving' it, and Trina going on a date with the doctor's loser son.

Beck and I went on about a dozen dates, and the group performed as a kids group dressed in food costumes. That was really weird, I won't lie. Jade's play got rejected and a seemingly nice woman offered to put it on for her. Except she wanted her daughter to be written in as an angel. We ended up leaving her strung up on opening night so the play wasn't ruined when my uncle, Jade's dad, came to see.

Dale squires came and was supposed to help direct a short film but ended up doing none of the work and taking all the credit. Last night we stayed at Sikowitz, which honestly ended up being a lot weirder than it sounds. I had to leave to take Jade to the hospital, leaving just Tori and Beck.

That all leads us to today, the day I leave for North Carolina. I had to be up early to catch my flight, but Beck ended up having to drag me out of bed. No matter how excited I am to star in this movie, I'll never be ready to say goodbye to everyone. And I know it's not forever, but it's still a long time.

"I'll see you in a week after school lets out, okay?" Beck says to me. We're all standing out front of the airport. By we, I mean everyone.

"All right," I say into his chest.

"Stop hogging her," Jade says as she pulls on my arm. "We want to say goodbye too." I laugh as my cousin pulls me into her chest. "You're going to do great."

"She's right," Tori says from beside us. I pull away from Jade to pull her into a hug. "We're all expecting invites to the premiere too, by the way."

"I'll see what I can do," I laugh.

"Send us lots of postcards," Robbie says. He doesn't move to hug me, but I think it's because he's got Rex in his arms.

"Can you get me Freddie's autograph?" Cat asks. Freddie's my co-star.

"You can get one when you guys come to the premier," I tell her. I pull the redhead into a hug.

"We've got to go if we want to make it through security, Bowie," My mom says. Since I'm not 18 yet, she's coming with me. Her and Dad are going to trade off every week or so.

"Yeah, okay," I sigh.

"Wait, group hug!" Cat chirps. My friends all crowd around me and we wrap our arms around each other.

"I'll miss you guys," I say tearfully.

"It's only for a few months, Bowie," Tori says. "It'll pass by faster than you know it." With one last hug from each of them and an extra long kiss from Beck, mom and I are walking away. We sent ahead everything except our carry ons a couple days ago.

I manage to keep most of the tears at bay through security and even while waiting for our flight to be called. But the second I'm on the plane and I can see my friends far away, waving at the plane I let it go.

"You'll see them soon, Bowie," Mom says from beside me as she wraps her arm around my shoulders.

"I know, it doesn't make me miss them any less."

Hello North Carolina
You're here! I can't wait to meet you!

"Bowie West?" A masculine voice says from behind me. I turn to see a tall blonde guy.

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