chapter 1

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Its monday. Again. Y/n woke up to Rita calling her, and of course she picked it up.

"Hey y/n! Did i wake you up?" Rita said through the phone.

"Yes, you did wake me up you little piece of shit." Y/n screamed and closed the phone.


Y/n got her ass up and went downstairs to get breakfast. Her parents had already left to work so she was all alone.

She was making some pancakes in peace until her phone ringed again. It was Rita. She anwered the  phone and waited for Rita to speak.

"Omg y/n! Did you hear about the new boy that's coming to our school today?"

"No? What's his name?"

"I dont know yet.. but i heard he's hot"

"OoOOooOo... i better hit him up then😏."

Rita let out a small laugh, "haha, but anyways are you gonna pick me up soon? My car is fucked up, so i can't drive."

"No, walk to school instead. Your fatass needs it." Y/n said before closing the phone again.

Y/n ate breakfast and she was also thinking about the new boy that was coming to the school.

-time skip to school luvs-

Y/n and Rita were walking to their first class which was English. Ritas favourite. Y/n didn't like English, but she really liked P.E.

When they got to the class they sat down and got their books out.

Y/n was curious about the new boy so she asked Rita, "Do you know when the boy comes?"

"Yeah, he's going to be at the P.E class."

P.E? Omg that is my favourite class. Y/n tought.

The class went slowly as always but then when the bell rang they left to next class. It was P.E.

Y/n was excited about the class, as always but today, even more.

They went to the class and the teacher made Rolli indroduce himself to the class.

He has ocean blue eyes. Beautiful blonde hair. And his style was just perfect.

"Hey, well umm.. my name is Rolli and I moved here from German and I'm looking for some new friends so don't be shy to talk to me. I wont bite." Rolli told the class.

"Alright! You can go sit Rolli." The teacher spoke.

The class started and it was fun as always.

-time skip again bestys-

Y/n and Rita were going to eat lunch. The school lunch was actually pretty shit, so they drove to the shop to get some better food.

As they were driving y/n and Rita were thinking of how to get closer to Rolli.

They decided to go to speak to him tommorow at school, because they didn't wabt to speedrun that.

After they went go the store, y/n and Rita just drove home because they were too lazy to go to study anymore.

-End of chapter-

Rolli x readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon