Chapter 3

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Frostkit blinked open her eyes. Yellowfang was working around in the den and was shoving herbs into holes and taking more out of other ones. Frostkit's belly grumbled loudly.

"You better get some fresh-kill." Yellowfang twitched her whiskers in amusement.

"Okay..." Frostkit stood up.

Frostkit walked out of the den. Suddenly, it seemed as if all of the camp began watching her. Frostkit quickly zoomed over to the fresh-kill pile. Only a couple snow-covered rats lay there. Frostkit picked up a fair-sized rat and ran back, her pelt burning by so many stares. As she ran back, she heard voices whispering. Curious, Frostkit dropped the rat by Yellowfang's den and stalked over to the three cats. 

One of them, a grey tabby tom whispered "-Ha! Frostkit is so much of a kittypet lover that she is scared of us!"

Rage flashed across Frostkit. She bristled her fur.

"Well, she DID smell like ThunderClan, Stonepaw." A white and brown she-cat whispered back.

"Who is her mom, though? She is not ShadowClan." A black tom whispered.

"Ha! She probably ran here, crying for her mama." Stonepaw said.

Frostkit unsheathed her claws. Yowling a cry, she tackled Stonepaw and landed blows on his face. Shocked, the other two apprentices ran away. Stonepaw shoved Frostkit off him.

"You!" Stonepaw leaped for her. 

Frostkit remembered some of the moves that somebody taught her. She dived underneath his belly and swiped her claws across his belly. Stonepaw stopped mid-leap and fell on the ground. Stonepaw lashed out a paw and swiped it across her face. Pain blossomed there, but Frostkit leaped onto Stonepaw's head and began scratching it hard, drawing blood. Stonepaw tried to hit her on the ground by pounding his head, but Frostkit nimbly leaped off. Stonepaw banged his head on the ground. Stonepaw yowled in pain and grabbed Frostkit's scruff and shook her so hard that she saw stars.

"Stop!" A voice demanded.

Stonepaw dropped Frostkit on her head.

"What is going on?" Raggedstar burst over by them.

"Stonepaw called me a kittypet lover!" Frostkit climbed onto Stonepaw and bit his ear.

"F-Frostkit attacked me!" Stonepaw stammered, playing the victim.

"Frostkit, go into Yellowfang's den and get your wounds cleaned. We will have a talk later." Raggedstar ordered.

Stonepaw gave Frostkit a smug look.

"Stonepaw, go into Yellowfang's den for herbs for your scrapes." Raggedstar ordered.

Still seeing stars swirl around her, Frostkit staggered to Yellowfang's den.

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