Chapter 8: Purple Gunk Swamp x Altered Angel

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Everyone is back in Hell Vegas, but at a condemned area, the Swamp.

Kyle: Here it is, the Bio Swamp!

Akane, Yuzu, Seiji and Guri looks at him in confusion.

Seiji: why?

Marsha: well you see, this dump was condemned a year ago after gunk from a nearby factory got into the waters of the lake.

Mesmo: the stuff is toxic and dangerous to demons.

Seiji: I won't understand you guys.

Akane: and how are we suppose to get in?

Kyle, Marsha, Devia and Guri all were at a opening in the fence.

Kyle: whoops! ladies first!

*Insert back to ninjago*

Everyone got into the swamp and looked around. they finally got to the purple gunk area, where their was a small house, a river boat in the gunk and a lot of stuff looking like a mario bros level.

(I like this remix and it is related to the theme of this chapter)

Yuzu: eewww!

Kyle: hey, don't look at me, look at Seiji!

Seiji: oh c'mon!

Mesmo: Kidding. this is the Bio Swamp, this stuff will dye hair and corrupt Demons.

Mesmo picks off a rose from a bush and puts the head into the gunk. after that, he brings it back out, seeing it has turn purple.

Yuzu: Yikes!

Kyle: Don't worry, don't go into it and your hair is safe. Ok, I'm going to meet a friend of mine.

Devia: I'm coming too.

Marsha: I'll stay so no one doesn't get lost.

Kyle and Devia both goes to the swamp house.

*Timeskip, brought by chibi Guri drinking purple soda*

Kyle and Devia both made it to the house, where they heard two voices. they both look on top a bush, seeing a purple haired male and blue haired male and a...Purple haired female?

Purple Male: Look dude, Kyle's coming and that means your sister too.

Blue male: Yeah, that sounds like him.

Purple male: and I always know he eardrops all the time.

then they both came out from the bush.

Kyle: Hehe, guilty! how's it been Poisin, Devin and new purple girl?

Poisin: Girl?

He looks, seeing a purple haired female.

He looks, seeing a purple haired female

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