My Mori-San

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*One day while you were at work you saw this female teacher talking to Tsuchigomori and you being the jealous little shit you are decided that she shouldn't be here*

(This is basically a chapter of you being  jealous hehe enjoy my dear readers)

Your POV:

"Hm Looks like it's going to rain" I thought to myself

"Y-yea I gtg" I heard Mori-San say and when I looked at him, He looked uncomfortable and then I saw it, It was another teacher who was supposed doing work that I gave her so what the hell was she doing "Hey Mori-San" I said with a nice tone(Well the nicest tone I could put on)and He looked relived to see me like I had saved him from a monster and he then walked over to me "Hey Y/n" He said with his cute ass smile(God I love his smile) as soon as he got close enough  and I gave him a big hug(Mainly cause I was hella jealous of that teacher)

"Don't lose you're cool Y/n remember she is just a teacher and was probably asking about grades or something nothing to get worried or jealous over" I thought to myself because there really is nothing to get upset about and Ik I have a problem when it comes to being jealous so Ik I need to work on that anyway as soon as I hugged him I noticed that the teacher was looking at me with an angry expression on her face and I think she was jealous of me

(Time skip to after you and Tsuchigomori arrive at your guy's apartment)

Tsuchigomori's POV:

I remember I was talking to fellow worker of mine when she started getting a little to close for comfort and I was about to walk away until a miracle from god appeared and Y/n had just walked in to see what was going on and I knew that I could use that as my escape plan and things went just as planned but I had this off feeling like Y/n was mad or something like that so

"Hey Hun are you ok? you seemed mad earlier" I said as Y/n looked up from their switch lite(or whatever you were doing) to look at me and I had it again that off feeling was back and Y/n just mumbled something to me and went back to playing and I could tell something or someone pissed them off "Maybe Hanako said something or was it Yako who said anything, was it the Mokke" I thought to myself while trying to come up with some kind of possibility of why Y/n's upset and then it hit me "It was that teacher wasn't it?" I said trying to hide my smile cause now I knew that they weren't mad, they were just jealous "Yea..." was all Y/n could mutter out of their mouth before turning away and resumed playing "Well wanna know something funny?" I said still trying to hold my smile back(But just like my blushing I failed ultimately) they gave me a nod in response and I then explained how they were my miracle for coming at the moment this teacher was hitting on me and they just looked shocked if anything and I couldn't hold it in anymore and I burst out laughing because of the dumbfounded look on their face and then they jumped on top of me and said "My Mori-San" with the most childish tone of voice I have ever heard from them since we met and I just laughed at how childish Y/n was being

(Hehe Now let's check up on Mitsuba and Kou my dear readers)

Kou's POV:

Mitsuba kept rambling on about how cute he was and I mean he wasn't 100% wrong but as he kept going on and on and on I was starting to get annoyed so I walked off to go see what Yashiro was doing(Which only pissed off the already pissed off Mitsuba) "How can you think that Daikon is cuter then little old me huh lame ass earing" Mitsuba kept going off and then "If I kiss you will you shut up?" I said to him while getting closer and Mitsuba being Mitsuba kept calling me a pervert saying "ofc someone like me would do something to me how dare you not only are you lame but also a perv" and Me being already annoyed just told him to shut up and I kissed him "Shush" I said with a smile on my face knowing I was satisfied with what I had done "S-sure" Mitsuba said with a huge blush on his face and then I walked with him while holding his hand

(Heyo guys Phantom here I just want to say thank you for reading and I hope you liked this chapter and this story so far and also Ik this chapter is kinda random also I plan to end this book maybe next chapter or the next next cause I'm starting to run out of ideas and I don't want this book to go from decent to complete shit anyway like always I hope you have a good day or night byeeee)

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