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Hanako's POV:

It's been about a year since I met Y/n and well...It's been interesting to watch them teach I made them a homeroom teacher since most of the teaching spots are already taken and the principal seems to like them a lot so it basically all works out however I noticed that they seem to hang around Tsuchigomori sensei a lot and I guess he doesn't really mind it too much well I think he doesn't mind them too much

Tsuchigomori's POV:

Ever since this brat showed up to the school thanks to number 7 they have been nothing but a pain in the ass all they do is hang around me when their not teaching a class and usually I don't want to start conflict with anyone especially number 7 so I just have to deal with them and they even have a nickname for me which is Mori-San which was kind of annoying at first but after a year of this I have gotten used to it and it's kinda grown on me 

Your POV:

"Mori-San can we please go do something I'm so bored" I said as I slumped on Mori-San's desk I was so bored and just wanted to hang out with him because classes were done for the day and there was really no one to hang out with besides the Mokke and Hanako but they were all in Hanako's bathroom playing cards and Hanako wasn't allowed to leave the school so "*Sigh*sure let me grab my stuff and we can go" Tsuchigomori said with his usual monotone voice "Holy shit"  it actually worked I thought to myself I expected him to say no for sure but eh guess I was wrong 

(Time skip to after you and Tsuchigomori got your guys stuff and left the school)

Tsuchigomori's POV:

Idk why Y/n likes me so much I mean I can be rude and even 'scary' sometimes so Idk why they insist on hanging out with me but I guess I can't really control what they do even tho they can be kind of annoying they seem tolerable "Mori-San can we go get some food" Y/n said and I honestly was kinda hungry so I agreed and we headed to a small café that was quiet but had good snacks and coffee and all that stuff and we then went in and sat down and ordered our drinks

"Hey Mori-San I have a question" Y/n said and I replied with hmm as I sipped my coffee "Have you ever dated before?" I almost choked on my coffee as they asked me this question "No I've never dated before why do you ask?" I replied I was wondering why they would ask that question "Just curios I mean you're pretty good looking so I thought you might have dated someone" They said with a slight blush

After we hung out for about an hour me and Y/n decided to part ways and we headed off to our apartments "Bye Mori-San I'll see at work tomorrow" Y/n said "See ya Y/n get home safe" I replied and then we both parted ways

(Heyo Phantom here I just wanted to say thank you for reading and I hope you liked this chapter also I hope you like the story so far and like always I hope you all have a good day or night byeeeee)

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