❤️Church - Selever x Angel!Reader♥️

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, I do too to be honest, that pink one is Sarv while the tall lookin dude is Ruv."
Pico responds

"Ah, ok ok"
You nod your head looking at the two, you decide to walk over to try and talk to them.


Sarv looks over and sees you standing by her, "Oh! Hello!" She seems to say happily, "I'm Sarv, and you?"

"O-oh! I'm Y/N!"

"Well Y/N, would you like to join the church..?"
Ruv just watches over the two chatting before looking over at the other three.

He seems pretty pissed when looking at bf.

"I would love too!"
You say in a happy and cheerful tone, "Really?! That's great! Ruv! Ruv! We got a new member of the church!"
Sarv seemed to be really excited about this, and well, it made you smile.

-Time skip uvu-

Time passed and you had a lot of fun talking to Ruv and Sarv! Sarv was very cheerful and to be honest you already thought of her as a really good friend, Ruv was mostly silent but you thought that he seemed cool as well, maybe a little intimidating, but still, cool.

You asked if you could look around the church and Sarv responded with a very happy 'yes'.

So there you went, walking around, looking for nothing in particular.

You heard laughing in the distance and bf's beep boops and some random jokes here and there, while in a random area, you started to hear music.

But, no more laughing? What happened to all the chatting as well!

The music gets louder as you walk towards the source.

Walking over to a pillar you peek over it and see a demon-

You gasp silently and hide behind the pillar, panicking a little, before deciding to look over again.

You saw bf and gf over there as well, where is Ruv and Sarv, where was Pico???

You decide to try and get a better look of the demon

Peaking over the pillar, you see that he seems to be white, one side of his head with a light light shade of pink, and a ponytail? Interesting, he had a interesting outfit as well, but you couldnt see it well..

He seemed very chaotic-

The music ended, kind of sad, something about the music you liked.

He shouted

"It's as iF you Forgot what I said the First time you entered my game LOL!"

Game?? Odd.

"Anyway! Thanks for letting me waste your time! Have fun collapsing with this Universe!"



You start to panic

"Quite sad to see you die like this but I couldn't care less."



'oh god-'

"Maybe next time... I will be allowed to meet real Mama and Papa..."

You got surprised hearing another voice, quickly turning around and seeing a small girl, she was a demon too-



You see the one demon walking towards her and you quickly move around the sides of the pillar, to still hide.. all you hear are footsteps, and an odd sound, till then there is nothing else.

You hear panicked beep boops coming from bf, but, is that rlly bf and gf?

You didn't know and you weren't coming out of your hiding spot any time soon.

Soon the floor started to crumble all around you, everything was shaking as if an earthquake has just hit, things were cracking and falling, the pillar behind you started to move forwards.

You jumped out of the way barely dodging it.

You see bf and gf fall into the dark abyss, till eventually the floor starts to fall near you too.

You get up as fast as you can, revealing your wings, and try to fly

It worked!

Now to get out of here!

You fly up to a hole in the church's ceiling.


You couldn't get out?

You quickly look for another way out and see the door, rushing to it you try to open it but it doesn't budge.

One of the pillars now fall towards you but your too busy with the door to notice.

The pillar falls on you yet doesn't kill you.

You fall into the abyss

Going into a deep.. deep.. sleep.....

Hello Hello!

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Hello Hello!

You made it through the first part!

The next one will be fluff

And yes I used the same lines as the one in the mod- I even checked to make sure it was correct >.>

-1019 words including this-

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