You smiled genuinely. "Well thank you Ms. Grant it really is good to have you back." You bowed your head in embarrassment feeling the blush reach up to your cheeks.

"Cat! I can't believe it" kara exclaimed pushing open the glass doors without even a knock.

You clear your throat awkwardly eying the floor. "Hello Ker-rah."

"Ah same old cat." Kara chuckled taking Ms Grant into a hug that Cat accepts from the young blonde.

"I like to say I learnt something new on my travels." Cat chuckled as Kara pulled back you miss the sly smirk playing on her lips as she looks over to you playing with your boots.

"Well it's good to have you back."

"You too now get to work." She shoos Kara from the room but gives you one more look. "Oh and y/n I need you to find me a replacement ASAP I really do need that coffee."

"Oh of course and I'll go get you one right away." You offered to which she gives you a small smile in return.

"Thank you mr Danvers."

You walk out trying to think alone but your thoughts get popped by James who's waiting by your desk. A rolled up report in his hand. "So Cat is back!"

You clear your throat awkwardly looking up to your co worker and friend. "So?"

James chuckled noticing how red your cheeks where becoming. "Well you're seriously not feeling the whole love sick eyes between you both?" He questions with a teasing expression

You release a throaty chuckle. "Haha funny, now move I have coffee to get"

"I'm just saying" he threw your way as you walked over to the elevator.

"Get your own love life James!" You yelled over your shoulder pressing the button to go down.


"And I said get your own love life. Like how dare he assume I have feelings for my boss" you rambled picking out some peanuts from the coffee bar and dropping them back down into the small pot with a huff not hungry which was something entirely new.

"I'm sorry was that decafe?" She questions looking back over her shoulder as she finishes up your order, a lock of her brown hair covering her face partially.

"Yes. Oh I'm sorry I'm rambling." The coffee machine clicks before bursting into a collection of steam.

The barista chuckled snapping on the lid on the to go cup. "well she must be every special to get you all flustered like this." She noted seeing the blush reach your cheeks.

"Excuse me?" You asked standing tall against the bar caught off guard by her comment.

"I don't think your friend was wrong" she offered sliding over the coffee.

You wrapped your hands around the steaming hot to go cup and slumped into the counter. "Well Even if I did have feelings for my boss which is HIGHLY unlikely I can't just let my sister go through heartbreak and me just swan after my boss." You explained, to much of your own honesty, you didn't want Cat to say no.

She shrugs before leaning over the counter her hands interlocking together. "Well whatever you did I'm sure you can fix it with your sister."

You sighed. "My sister isn't the problem here"

She thinks for a moment for a light bulb moment arises from her train of thought. "Tell ya what, I think maybe you should explain it to the girl she's so hooked up on, maybe apologising to her will lift some of that anger she's expressing to your sister."

Supergirl's brother. A cat grant x male reader fanfic. Where stories live. Discover now