part 25

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!TW! Mental hospital. Also, I know caip isn't in Britain but that's the one I went to so suck it up.

Time skip to three days later.

"It's going to be okay.."

"I...I know.." He was lifted onto the stretcher. Blankets were put on him.

"Goodbye, I'll see you later today when visitation starts." He gave me a weak nod. I watched as he was taken away. I followed behind making sure he made it into the transport vehicle. I got into my car and drove home.

-At home-


"Yes Techno?"

"Make sure you are dressed.. to visit Tommy in like three hours."

-Day 1 visit-

I walked to the front desk.

"Hello, this is Dave. Here to see Tommy."

"Dave... Mhm.. yep! You can go see him, he's the last room down that hall." The front desk worker said pointing down the left hall, I gave a small nod then speed-walked down the hall. Once I arrived I opened the door, I saw Tommy standing in between two beds, eyes red and genuine fear apparent in his eyes.

"Tommy, I'm here bubs." He ran to me and hugged me. We sat like that for a bit. "Wanna see Ranboo?" his eyes lit up and he nodded fast. I chuckled at that. We walked out of the room and went to one of the visitation rooms, once we arrived he scowled at me.

"Someones feeling fussy tonight hm?" A small smile broke through his scowl.

"I know, trying to be such a grumpy baby but you're Dada's good little strawberry."

"No, I bad! I payback!"

"Nope, you are a good little!" His scowl turned into a pout.

"Such a pouty little face. C'mere, we'll have some playtime and maybe color and I'll get you some food because I know hospital food is gross, that sound good?" I said.


"No? Well, what do you want to do?"

"Dada and Wamboo cuddles!"

"Okay, we'll have cuddles with movie time and Dada or Ranboo will hold, I even brought a bottle with chocolate milk so you can have baby time." he put another fake pout on his face.

"You still try to pout but I see that smile you're hiding, you're so adorable, I love you bubs!"

That night Tommy went to bed with a smile on his face.

-day two visit-

I did the same thing, get him and brought him to the visitation room.

-30 mins into the visit-

Out of nowhere, Tommy started crying.

"Hey, what's wrong Bubs?" He frowned and pointed at his book.

"Aww, you colored outside the lines in your book? Let Dada see it, it's okay." He showed me his drawings.

"Oh bubs, it still looks super good!"


"Yes really, you always have the best Drawings. Come here Strawberry, let Dada wipe your tears and give you hugs."

"I doing my vewwy best."

"I know you're doing your best and that's all Dada ever needs from you! Now, how about I get you your Buba from the bag to make my baby smile, and then we'll finish the page together! I can hang it on the fridge at home."

-Day three visit-

-Ranboo's POV-

Techno had to have a meeting with some people so today it's just me and Tommy.

Tommy's been really upset today, not because Techno isn't here I think it was just a rough day.

"Hey Bud, come cuddle."


"Cause you look like you could use some cuddle time today." he crawled over but kept quiet.

"You don't have to talk hun, just sit with Ranboo and let me hold you."

I know you are trying and you are doing well, It's okay to have bad days and it's okay to just take some time to relax. Whenever we talk to your psychologist he tells us about the progress you've made and how much you've been opening up. Techno and I love you very much buddy, and want to see you happy as possible."

-Day four-

-Techno's POV-

I was just entering the visitation room with dinner.

"Hey bubs, have you seen my hoodie?" It took me a moment to understand that I can't find him nor can I find my hoodie.

"Strawberry? Where'd you go darling?" I said looking around.

"Oh! There you are-" He was curled up beside the couch his my hood on.

"-look how adorable you are in Dada's hoodie. It is way too big!" I said chuckling a bit.

"You missed me?" He nodded at me.

"I was only gone for a few minutes silly goose, come here." He giggled and squealed before doing grabby hands.

"You can have uppies yes, Dada loves snuggles!" He gigged again then hid his face in the hood of the sweater.

"You think my hoodie is yours now? Even after I let you have snuggles?? Hmph Fine, but on one condition that makes you mine. My little boy!"

-day five-

Ranboo tapped on my shoulder and pointed at Tommy.

"Aww look at my cute little baby, All snuggled up in my hoodie. What's that you have in your mouth there love?" He gave me a confused look.

"That's yucky bubs, please don't chew on your fingers." He looked down at his fingers then scowled at me.

"Oh, Mama is just awful, huh?" He squealed and babbled.

"Yeah, my little noisy baby. Listen to you babble on and squeal, my smart tiny baby. Dada loves you very much little one!"

-day six-

Ranboo left with Tommy to pack his stuff up while I signed him out and was given his work from his time here. When he arrived back from packing I pulled him into a bear hug.

"I'm going to get you a therapist and we'll work on you.. We'll fix you.. Ranboo's moving in too so he can help too, life will get better."

"Thank you.." He said a bit teary-eyed...

For the group my User changed and is now

Sly Fox!!#7546

And... I guess this is goodbye. I'm finishing it here. I almost killed him off and made it sad but I decided to give the good ending.

Tommy age regressionWhere stories live. Discover now