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Once in awhile, a lady would woke up alone in one secret cave in the high peaks of Liyue, in contrast to her thousand years of age, she would always look like a young lady in her early or mid twenties, possessing a (hair color) locks that reach mid back and (eye color) iris.

She would wake up once in a generation, nothing particular really, that's just how long she would often wake up in her long, sweet slumber.

Always making a visit in Liyue Harbor and would often meet up with someone who has a pair of amber iris, hanging with that person for a couple of years before going back in the cave, feeling satisfied with a smile on her lips, she would be cast to sleep once again.

That's what she would often do, but not this time.

"Rex Lapis died? wait no.. He was assissinated? and the murderer is still out there?"

She couldn't believe such non-sense utter bullshit after hearing to the story of the blond young man traveler who introduce himself as Aether with a floating fairy like thing right beside him, Paimon.

But they didn't look like they were lying. Even if they ask to face your wrath for waking you up, you did nothing for they didn't look like they were lying. After a good couple of seconds.

"Well that's none of my business, go out of my lair, I'm going back to sleep"

You wave your hands back and forth waving them away so you can go back to sleep

And because the form you're currently showing was not to your liking, but you don't have a choice not wanting to show your true form.

There was a moment of silence, until a high pitch like voice spoke as you shift on your flowery bed ready to sleep.

"But Paimon thought you're Rex Lapis contract lover, do you really hate him that much you don't care even if he's dead?"

That take your sleepiness away.

"Get out, I'm trying to sleep, children"

You said with a sigh turning your back at the two

You heard footsteps away from you echoing inside the cave, soon nothing can be heard. Eventually you let out a sigh, sat up from your seat and warp your arms around your legs, thinking carefully.

But after awhile, you figure out nothing, only to get irritated. But you need to calm yourself, nothing ever comes good when you feel like that.


You utter his name

Though you've been strangers to friend and to lovers. Sometimes you couldn't figure out what was happening in that big brain of his.

"Just what the hell is that being up to"

Suddenly you felt restless.

At the same time, in Liyue harbor, upon the chaos happening because of the assassination of Rex Lapis during the rites of descension. A young man with bright amber iris was calmly taking a sip of tea when when he suddenly choke on it, which has never happened before.

After awhile, a soft laugh escape his lips, bright amber iris looking up from the sky.

"Ah, she heard about it"

And she's coming back.

With just the thought of her, he felt his heart skip a beat. In his early days, he would often feel strange about that feeling, but after spending times with you he get used to it and learn that that feeling.

And he couldn't wait to see you again, though it might not feel so long to you, for all you did was to sleep and wake up, it has been so long for him, at least a couple of hundred years.

For the first well being who show him such feelings, he couldn't wait to feel your warmth, something he was longing for, for a very long time.

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