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Our world might be defined as just fine. I mean, the world isn't as great as we see it, but it can be great if we choose to be kind. Some may say that this world is cruel, that it feels like we're just here to live our life to survive. But sometimes, it wasn't the people, it can be, but I could totally say that social media is part of the reason why our world is cruel.

Brutal, on the other hand. The world is brutal, cruel, unfair, injustice, and every negative thing I could say. But despite that, I know there will be a person, a group of people, who'll make us feel that this world isn't as cruel as we thought. That we might be mistaken, or that we might be just blinded by what social media let us see.

Our generation was so into our social media, technology, and everything that is famous. We like to feel like we belong, that we are part of them, that we're in the same circle. Ayaw natin na mapag-iwanan, inshort.

Our generation also is the generation who are mature and immature, yep! We're both. We know when to speak up, to speak up for others, to save others, to protect others, we know what's right and wrong, we believe that even if you're old enough, yes, we have respect but if you can't respect us too, we might respect you still, but not as high as you think we can.

We have limits, like the last generation, but in a different way. These are the facts that we're different, we're rare. Because this generation also is full of traumas, we believe that having a healthy mental state is good, but we don't know how. We don't know how to start, where to start, that we forgot to heal and live with it and let us be filled with pain without knowing until we're numb.

This story will let you see some of the glimpses of how our generation deals with everything. You can say and tell if it's right or wrong, mature or immature, dumb or smart, yet you'll see how we decide for the best. For the best of ourselves, and for the people around us.

A lady who really wanted to act, it was her passion since she was a kid. It was something she really dreamed of doing, apart from owning a pastry shop, it was really the dream. She wanted to be an actress, that's why her mother supported her and was with her when she auditioned when she was still a kid.

Until now, she's still an actress. She's still acting, doing some extras as the little version of some of the veteran drama actresses. She wasn't that known, which she's fine with but she still dreams of having her own movies, series, tv series, and some works that she'll be the lead. But she's willing to wait, willing to work harder to have that opportunity.

A man who came from a known family in the industry. His mother is a veteran actress, while his father is a known businessman from a known family too. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia Studies from a prestigious university. It wasn't really his dream, it was something he never thought he'd be doing.

You can already tell that it was unexpected. He's an introvert, that's why he can't see himself acting in front of the camera and some people see it, thousands of people or even more than.

But unexpectedly, he liked it. He works hard for his passion now, he is really determined to do great and excellent. He wanted to be the best at every next level of his acting, and he actually felt it. He was in a love team, and it was actually the management's decision.

But then again, there'll be ups and downs. The fans started to get so toxic, claiming him too much that he felt like he was held on his neck, it was hard to breathe, hard to move. The management also saw it, the friendship between the two of them was starting to vanish, and her co-loveteam is starting to be like their fans, to be so toxic.

Two different people, in two very different circles. They'll be meeting people along the way, good or bad. They're both in the same industries but never even met each other, same station but never even talked to each other.

What can happen if their bosses designated them onto each other? They need to work with each other every day until the time needed or in short, they are designated to be a Love Team. How will the universe play with their destiny?? How will their sympathy grow unexpectedly?? Will they conquer the universe using their sympathy?? Or will it create its own black hole to ruin their Universal Sympathy??

Let's see if our Universal Sympathy will turn into Us.

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