Time for Miami (Chapter2)

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 **** Note: Hi Guys I kind of gave up after the first chapter of this but I got bored so decided to update :) Enjoy 

       I hopped in the shower and washed my hair. When I got out, I put cute white jeans and a “Wild and Free” floral crop top on. I quickly dried my hair and put it into a cute side braid. I was ready. Physically, but not mentally. My mom pulled up and beeped the horn. I stood at the door and paused. This is it. This would be the last time I would stand in this house, the last time being in Cali for a long time. I put on my cute Gucci sun-glasses and got some of my bags.

         My mom helped me with some. I actually pitied her because she looked like she was having a rough time. After about 10 minutes, my mom got in and started the car. I didn’t want to go. I was basically leaving my life behind. My best friend, Ashlyn, my family, my friends, my school.... my everything. I felt guilty feeling this way, because I should be happy for my mom. She got her dream job! Why am I not happy!? Its may be partly because I was tired. I shouldn’t of stayed up reading The Fault in Our Stars, but it was totally worth it, Augustus is so charming. “You ok?”, my mom asked concerned. “Yes..” I paused a short moment. “I’m just gonna miss this place. I’m gonna miss Ashlyn, the beach, my school, everything......... and don’t even get me started on how tired I am”, I said truthfully but not too sorrowful. “Don’t worry.....”, she paused for a second thinking of what to say. “We will be living about fifteen minutes from the beach so you can go there whenever you want. I know you will miss Ashlyn and your school, but you will be going to a new school and I am very sure you will make new friends. Oh, and you should take a nap when we get on the plane, you look so tired.”, she smiled a weak smile full of hope, but also of concern.

        ***** At the Airport*******

We went through the sensor and boarding admission thingy and boarded our flight. I was so tired I could barely stand so I was very relieved whenever we got to our seats and I got to sit. I had a window seat, thank God.... I hate hall seats. People always hit me when they walk by whenever I sit in a hall seat. I got my cellphone and earbuds out of my little bag that I brought onto the plane. I put the earbuds into my ear and started playing Maps by Maroon 5. By this time, my eyes felt like bricks and were slowly closing and I eventually fell asleep.

***** Dream******

“Come on, Y/N, just get in! It’s not that cold!” I turned around to the voice. It was a boy. He had brown hair, light skin, and was about 5’12. I tried to examine his face closer up and only got about 2 seconds to do so until he pulled me into the water. All I could think was, “What is happening....” I quickly jerked my head out of the water and gasped for air. I heard the boy laughing. WHO WAS THIS BOY AND WHAT DOES HE THINK HE IS DOING!? I turned around only to find him about 8 meters away. How in the heck did he get there so fast? I still couldn’t see what he really looked like. I did see a little bit though. He was cute. Wait, what am I saying... He just tried to freaking drown me or something about 4 seconds ago. I tried running to him. The closer I got, the farther he got. I slowly started to drown. I felt something pulling me down, slowly. I started to panic.... “HELP ME!”, I desperately yelled to the boy. At this time, he was about 14 meters away. He started giggling. Is he taunting me think this is a joke or did he really not hear me!? My head went under water and everything went black.

        “Y/N!”, I jumped up out of my seat. It was all a dream... about the same boy. Who was the boy! Why is this boy in my dreams? He’s probably not even real.... “Y/N!” I zoomed back to reality. It was my mom. “The plane has landed, its time to get off. Are you ready for the new world?”, she smiled looking satisfied. Oh joy, the new world. I really wasn’t ready but I couldn’t disappoint my mom. “Yes, I can’t wait!”, I said softly with a fake smile on my face. All I was thinking about was 1) the mysterious, but insanely cute, no... I mean hot, boy in my dreams and 2) the “new world”...my new life... “Here we go”, I said quietly to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2015 ⏰

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