Part 11

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Your POV

You finally told them the truth. “I'm sorry, what?” Dean questioned, scowling at you.

“You and Jensen?!” Sam asked, shocked to hear the news as he narrowed his eyes at you. 

“You're pregnant with Jensen's kid?” Bobby asked you.

“Yeah,” you admitted and looked down with guilt. 

“What? How? When did that even happen?” Sam asked you, trying to get all the information. Dean looked down, his jaw clenched.

“The night before Asmodeus took me,” you answered your brother.

“I'm going to hell again,” Dean said dramatically as he pictured the two of you together. You rolled your eyes at him. 

“He's not even here, what is the point of having this kid?” Sam questioned you.

You frowned up at him, “I don't understand Sam, what does that have to do with him being here or not?” you confronted him. 

“So you’re going to raise this kid completely by yourself?” Sam challenged you.

“Yeah” you replied confidently. 

“What are you going to do when your kid asks you about their father?” Your hazel-eyed brother questioned. 

“I'm pretty sure I can take care of it.” You replied shortly, growing tired of their questions. 

“Jensen's lucky he's not here. I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch if I ever see him again,” Dean growled, lacing venom into his voice.

“It's not his fault Dean. I was the one who initiated it, I was the one who initiated the sex.” You said out loud, defending the father of your child.  

“It doesn't really matter. He can't just come here and knock you up; he needs to pay for that.” Dean replied.

“There must be something we can do to get to him,” Sam suggested, thinking aloud.

“Don't do that, Sammy,” you said, turning his suggestion down. 

“Why not?” Your brother asked, confused by your rejection. 

“Because the last thing that I want for him is to be a part of this mess. He deserves better, Sammy. He loved me a lot and..” tears started pooling into your eyes. “I didn't even say it back. I never said it back. He deserves someone better than me, I'm a mess and he can do better than that,” you stated as the tears spilled out of your eyes. 

You turned away from them and went towards your room, shutting your door behind you. You let the tears come freely now, crying in the privacy of your room. . You knew you were in love with him, you knew that when he hugged you that day everything had changed but you were too scared to give in to your feelings. Now you regret it more than anything in this world.  You heard a few loud knocks on the door, but didn't bother to answer it.

Jensen's POV

So, another shoot was going on and Jensen's thoughts were filled with her again. He just couldn't get her out of his mind, why did you do that Y/N? Why did you let me fall for you? He questioned in his mind. 

He waited for Jared to arrive  as he said he had some good news to share with them. He wondered what it was. 

“Hey guys!” Jared greeted them while walking toward them.

“Hey,” they replied as he approached. 

“So, what was the good news you wanted to tell us?” Jensen asked him, eager to know. 

“Well.. I.. it's Genevieve.. she's pregnant… she's about three months along now,” he announced blushing. 

“Aww, congratulations,” Allison said and hugged him tightly. 

Jensen congratulated him on the good news and went to hug him, patting him on the back in a brotherly gesture. The set was filled with celebration for the remainder of the day and he went home after that. 

He laid on his back on the bed, deep in thought. He remembered how he hadn’t used any protection with Y/N and it made him wonder if that got her pregnant. He just pushed the thought to the back of his mind. 

But what if she was pregnant? He questioned himself. 

It's been about three  months since Jared had announced that he was having a baby. He always thought that he would be the first one to have kids out of the three of them, but here they were. 

He saw how much Jared took care of Genevieve and he couldn't help but picture himself taking care of Y/N in that same way. For some reason, the possibility of Y/N being pregnant would not leave his mind.

Jensen wanted to be really happy for the Padaleckis’, but his heart was filled with the pain of not having her with him. He was acting, but his heart wasn't in it, not the way it used to be. Hell, his heart wasn't with anything he was doing anymore, not since he came back. 

His best friends noticed this behaviour, and asked if something was wrong, but he just kept shrugging it off. He could tell them the truth, sure, but no one in this world would believe him, no matter what he said. 

Time just continued to fly by and soon, Genevieve and Jared had their baby. It was a boy and he was really happy for them. Watching them take care of their baby just made him picture what it would have been like to have a baby with Y/N. 

What if his assumptions were right and Y/N really was pregnant? That was the one thought that hadn't left his mind since the day he found out about Jared's kid. 

Currently, he was sitting in his trailer after finishing up a scene between Allison, Misha and himself. The shoot was done for the day and so he chose to relax in his trailer. He didn't  think about locking the door as it didn't really bother him if someone came by.

“Jensen?” He heard a familiar voice call his name and he looked up to see who it was. 

“Y/N?” He asked, sounding hopeful, taking a glance at her.

“It's Allison, but since I play Y/N, that works, too” she said sarcastically and sat down beside him.

“Yeah, right, Allison, sorry” he said and turned away from her, the disappointment clear.

“Jensen, I don't want to be nosy and all, but if I’m being honest, I'm really worried about you. And I know that if I ask you if you're okay, then you’re just going to tell me that you are, but we both know that it's not the truth.” She said, trying to convince him to be honest with her.

He ignored her and continued to look away from her. “Jensen, you've been there for me, for us, whenever we needed you, so please let me be there for you. Tell me what's going on with you.” She pleaded with him, placing her hand on his. 

“Allison, I would share with you, but I don't think I can share this. And even if I did, you wouldn't believe me, no one in this world will believe me,” he said with defeat, letting out a deep sigh. 

“Jensen, there's nothing in this world that you can tell me that I wouldn’t believe. So, please tell me what it is. I can't see you like this anymore,” she said staring at his face. 

“Allison…. I…” he took a deep breath. He decided to tell her everything, even if it meant his friend would think he was crazy. “Allison, can you keep a secret?” He asked as he began to tell her the whole truth.

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