Chapter one - Agent 1492058

Start from the beginning

After a long time of waiting, Marinette could not hold in her impatience anymore. Things at GUARD had been slow the past couple weeks and she was dying to go back into the field. "What do you have for me?" She asked the tall redheaded woman.

"Agent 1492058," Said Tikki, staring down at a clipboard whilst ignoring her question. She only ever called her by her identification number '1492058', when things were serious, Marinette started to grow worried but kept it hidden under her usual expression. The three figures peered down at her as Tikki rattled off question after question. Their bodies seemed to form a wall, trapping Marinette with her nervousness about the situation, cornering her until there was no means of escape.

"For the past 3 years, you have been serving here at the Government, Undercover, Agents, Remade, Division, program correct?" Tikki asked in such a matter-of-fact tone that took Marinette off guard. It was just so different from her usual gentle but authoritative voice.

"Correct" She answered, suspicious as to why they were asking questions they already knew the answers to.

Tikki clicked open a pen and began marking down her answers. "And is it true that you were subjected to genetic experiments from age 11 to 16 by Akuma?" The redhead questioned.

"Yes." Marinette's suspicions grew with every word out of the woman's mouth.

She honestly wished she could answer 'no' to the last question but there was no ignoring her past. The organization Akuma is a diluted group that will stop at nothing to gain power and is GUARDs sworn enemy. When Marinette was a child, she had been one of their guinea pigs for genetic weaponry. She had been ripped away from her family and had her memories stolen from her.

Part of her wished she could remember her life before Akuma, what were her parents like? Did she have parents? Any siblings? Pets? If Marinette could choose a pet she would want a hamster. Did she have interests? Hobby's? Friends? Questions floated around her mind all day long, hoping somewhere in her mind there was a door with all the answers she needed, all she had to do was find the key and her past would be unlocked. But after years of searching for the nonexistent key, she decided it would be best not to wonder about the what if's. Whatever the past held wasn't her life, not anymore, that life belonged to a little girl she would never know, and frankly she didn't want to know. Whoever that little girl was is gone and in her place is a generally engineered monster. And chances were that whatever her life was will only be a disappointment compared to what she had dreamed her childhood was like, but such dreams were not a reality. Her reality consisted of pain, death, blood, scars, and tears.

Luckily, Tikki and Plagg rescued her from Akuma, saw her potential and founded GUARD. GUARD was a government organization that used Marinette's skills to help bring Akuma to its knees. If Tikki, Plagg, and Nooroo hadn't founded GUARD, she would have probably been put in a laboratory by the government. She would be left in the hands of scientists to be dissected and stitched back together as they attempted to understand the unique girl's anatomy and what Akuma had done to her over her years of experiments and surgeries. Or quite possibly, she would be deemed a threat and thrown into a prison cell. That thought almost made her laugh, there is not a single government cage that could hold her.

"Is it true that these experiments have given you telekinesis? And is it true you can move objects with your mind?" Tikki asked.

"Yes." Marinette had the power to bend any item to her will and defy the laws of gravity.

Yes, she could force a door closed or grab a book from across the room, but she could do so much more than that. She was able to lift a jet with her mind and keep bullets from hitting their target. She was the greatest weapon to ever exist. Akuma had given her an extraordinary ability. But unfortunately, they had granted it to her with the intention to hurt people. In the process of making her they created a monster that was more metal than muscle, more machine than human.

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