The trauma doctor who was handling Frida's case entered the room with some documents in his hands followed by one of the nurses, "Good afternoon," he said as he entered and shook Benny's hand.

"Good afternoon, doctor," Benny replied.

"Lyngstad, any discomfort?" He asked her.

"I feel a little dizzy," she replied. Hans and Lotta provided space for health professionals to examine their mother. The doctor began to put on the latex gloves.

"We will remove the bandage from your head, I want to see how your wound is and in a matter of cleaning it," he explained. Frida got up a little more to get her head off the bed so that they could have more ease. The nurse removed the metal hook from the bandage and then proceeded to unroll it, she did it slowly so as not to hurt her because it was the first time they had done it since she woke up.

Frida was almost shaking, she didn't know what to expect, she felt awkward and she knew that all eyes were on her, it was as if she was pitying and she did not like that feeling at all. "Excuse me," she stopped the nurse holding her hands and then looked at her children who were right at the foot of the bed, "kids, could you wait outside? I don't know how beaten I am and I don't want to be seen by you like that," she asked.

"Mom, it doesn't matter. I want to be with you at all times," Lotta refused.

"Please do it for me," she insisted. Hans took his sister by the arm and led her to the door to get out of the room.

"Come on Lotta, mom is right," of course he had to be responsible and obey their mom, at those times they couldn't be her headache. Frida watched them walk away and she felt a warmth in her stomach, but even though she didn't know them, everything she did was instinctively and for their sake.

Once they were outside, the nurse continued with what she was doing until she managed to remove the bandage completely. Her wound was on her forehead a little more at the top where she had baby hairs, it had been healing but not completely. The nurse took iodized disinfectant, a cotton and began to rub it all around the wound, Frida had to close her eyes because it hurt but she wanted to look like she was strong, especially since Benny was there and she didn't want to complain in front of him.

"Doctor, when will we have the medical results?" Benny took the moment to ask, although they had been done in the morning, he was very impatient.

"There are some that are already ready but others are still waiting, as you know, we have limitations because although our equipment is the most advanced of the time, there is still a long way to go to reach technological advances," the doctor explained. "But don't worry, the neurologist will come at some point to explain what the diagnoses are."

"I understand." Once the doctor and the nurse checked on Frida, healed the wound and checked that everything was fine with her blood pressure and so on, they left, Hans and Lotta re-entered the hospital room.

"Benny, Lotta and I have been talking and the best thing is that we go home now," Hans said as there was not much to do there anyway. Frida looked at them and she felt guilty, she knew that their attitude had become that way because of the situation but she didn't know what to do, perhaps it was for the best, she needed time for herself.

"I'll call for the driver to pick you up and take you home," Benny responded by hugging Lotta. She squeezed him hard, she felt unprotected now that her mother didn't remember her and in a way she found refuge in her stepfather, she had always had a good relationship with Benny and now, although there was a lot of tension and they tended to stress over nonsense, they could not stay arguing forever. Frida was impressed about the way in which Lotta and Benny treated each other, even though she found out that he was not her father, apparently they had a good relationship and that softened her heart.

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