Sports festival pt2

Start from the beginning

After all the recreational games are the first battle commences. Midoriya and shinso were the first fight but in my mind I sense that it was going to be a boring fight so I decide to sleep a little bit before my fight begins.

(3rd person pov)
Midoriya charges at shinso but gets aggravated by shinso causing him to be brainwashed. Midoriya starts walking out of the arena but as he is about to reach the edge of the arena he sees a group of figures appear in front of him. None of them have a distinctive face but Midoriya feels something as his fingers start to get streaks of red through them as his fingers move on there own... but while this is happening y/n sees himself but he isn't in his own body he is where midoriya is but everything seems slow. He looks and see the figures as he makes his way over. As he is about to reach them he can feel them telling him to leave and go away but he doesn't he moves on sensing power emitting from the core of them. He sees a rainbow coloured ball and with out thinking he reaches for it but as he is about to grab it it move causing him to only get a small fragment. Once her dose this his mind goes back to his own body while with midoriya he saw a small light quick move towards the group of people and disappear he starts thinking about what it was but is cut of as his fingers clam down causing a gust of wind braking him out of the state he was in. Now in control he goes up to shinso and manages to flip him out of the arena giving him the win. After midoriya's fight it was now shoto vs sero. The match was over very quickly, sero went for a quick attack on todoroki and tried to throw him out the arena with his tape but as todoroki was about to reach the edge of the arena he created a wall of ice that covered half the stadium. This ended round ended with todoroki winning as sero was unable to move. After that battle the arena had to be cleared given everyone a longer time to prepare for there fights. As we were waiting I decide to go to the alighted room give to me. I walk down the hallways until finally I reach the room. I open the door and take a look to see my bag on the floor where I left it. I pick it up and go searching for the item that will cure my boredom, until my hand finally connected with it. I slowly pull my hand out of my bag revealing a Nintendo switch. I take a seat and load up mario kart 8. As I was playing the game the fights start up again with Mina beating Kaminari but as the next fight was about to happen I hear the door open and as I look over I see momo. "Hey momo you okay" I ask as she makes her way over "yeah I'm just a bit worried about how I'm gonna beat tokoyami" she says in a sad tone "you will be fine momo, just remember back to when we practised, try to make a quick decision but don't get too caught up in making a plan your fighting a strong opponent but every quirk has its weakness and you should be able to figure his out" I say with a reassuring smile "hopefully I can find it but for now can a just stay in here with you?" She asks playing with her hands "of course you can" she walks over and lies down on my left resting her head on me. I move my are a bit and wrap it around her . We don't say much but just we enjoy each other's company as she watches me play on my switch thinking of a plan while I try and stay focused. Finally I look and see that ilda has won his match against the girl from the support department and that now it is my turn. Me and momo stand up as I put my switch back in the bag. I look over to momo and give her a quick kiss as I make my way to the arena as momo goes to the stands. As I walk through the final hallway to the arena I hear present mics voice announcing that our match was about to commence "now onto the 5th match we have from class 1-b Itsuka kendo and on the opposite side we have from class     1-a, y/n who is the student that has came first in the first two events" I look at kendo who has a confident look. I notice her feet move into a running position. I stand there with my hand in my pockets with a neutral expression but after a couple of seconds midnight starts speaking "3...2...1 begin"

kendo instantly starts running towards me but before she can reach me I make the ground lift and cause a wide range of play forms from small to large appear. Once they were all formed I used wind to punch myself up into one of the platforms annoying kendo "come and fight me" she shouts at me from below "nah I'm good you can come to me" I reply as I walk to the centre of the platform. Kendo looks at the platform I am on and uses her quirk big fist to clime up as she reaches it she looks towards me and prepare to charge at me " well now that your up here let's fight" I say confidently. She charges at me and goes for a right hook that I easily doge with my hands still in my pockets. She then swings her left hand at my stomach but as she gets close she enlarges her hand but I still easily dodge. She continues with a wide arrange of punches and kicks for about 2 minutes not even landing a hit "come on actually fight me" I hear her say in an angry tone "fine then" I say with a bored sounding voice. As she runs up for another fight hook I move back and grab her arm but before she can even try to escape I do a quick right jab to her stomach causing her to lose her composer and that was all I needed. In this time I do another hit to her stomach. She goes for another punch to my face but before she can enlarge her fist i duck under her arm and flip her over my shoulder as she his the ground I kick her sending her across the plat form to the edge, while this is happening I hear the crowd boo me for toying with her and how I'm not taking it easy but it doesn't bother me as I walk up to her and pick her up by her throat and dangle her over the edge "I am disappointed I thought you would be stronger but I guess I was wrong I mean you can badly use such a strong quirk" when I say this I see her annoyed look change to a softer one "I'm not doing this to be mean I'm doing this to make you stronger as I want you to use this humiliation to push yourself to be better but even though your quirk is suited for close range there are other ways to use it... just think" as I finish speaking I throw her to the middle of the platform. She slowly rises and goes for another punch but I just grab it and hit her once again in the stomach causing her to stumble. By this time I knew she was done so I decide to end the fight the play forms begging to defend and as we hit the ground I snap my finger causing the wind to cut her all around her body causing her to collapse in defeat. "And that's it y/n wins and makes his way to the next round" instead of cheers like the other matches all I hear is people booing me and hurling insults at me

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