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7:14 AM, the clock read, and Claire was already up, laying in bed, under the covers, with her book in one hand, and a flashlight in the other.

Today was like any other day for Claire, heading to the library and reading her books there.

 Claire never liked to hang out with the crowd, instead, she'd be in a library reading, alone. She was always too busy reading Harry Potter books all the time, if not that then otherwise she'll be writing poetry, and as a substitute for writing, she would listen to Lana Del Rey for hours and hours.

She yawned, closed the book, then turned off the flashlight. Still holding everything in her hand, she placed the items on the nightstand. Standing up to stretch, she decided to pick her outfit out for the day. 

She walked to her closet, opening it and choosing an outfit, she changed into it, and laid down onto her bed, grabbing her phone off of the nightstand, setting her alarm to 10:00 AM.

"Beep! Beep! Beep!" Claire groaned as she hears the annoying sound of her alarm. She grabbed her phone, pressing the "Stop" button, the lock screen of her phone pops up, she read the time. "10:00 AM."

She finally decides to give in, groggily she sat up, sitting at the edge of the bed. Claire's motivation slowly came back to her, as she got up and grabbed the pair of socks off of the dresser. As she put her shoes on, she headed out the front door.

Claire always went to the Dunkin' Donuts near the library, ordering a sausage, egg, and cheese sandwich, with apple juice. After sitting down and eating, she threw the wrappers and empty bottle out, now leaving the place and walking to the library.

She walked into the library and went to the Harry Potter book section, she grabbed the fifth book. "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix"

It was now 11:32 AM, and Claire found a seat and was reading peacefully, until...

 She flinched. Due to the loudness, she heard. Disturbing her from reading. Startled, she shot her head up, she saw three boys running in the library laughing uncontrollably, one of them had brown hair, another one with chestnut hair, and one with dirty blonde hair. 

"What in the bloody hell?" she muttered. The librarian had shushed them, they all started giggling while trying to be silent. The brown-haired boy walked past Claire, grabbing a "No David!" book.

 Claire stared at him in annoyance. He caught her staring, locking eyes with her, while giving a soft smile, as he walked back to his friends. Renting the book, and leaving.

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