Chapter 1

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The target dragged his feet across the sidewalk, arms settled limply by his side. The green curls that bounced with each sob were calling attention from the watcher, the green so vivid it felt a little in awe.

It fluttered down, white base wings with beutiful brown dusty tips flapping by its sides. It perched upon an outstretched branch with pink blossoming at the end of each stick, right infront of the boys path.

Bush, it decided to name the target for its mind was nothing but memories of home when gazing upon the green eyes with flecks of gold in the outer circle. A gentle reminder of its former caretaker, a nice old man who seemed unaffected by days time. Sad though, as his powers couldn't withhold the terrible storm.

Bush looked up, eyes alight with wonder as he looked at it. Curious fellow, it mused as the target pondered why it hadn't fluttered away.

"Hello little birdie." He cooed carefully, slowly stretching out a finger. While it didn't like a strangers greasy touch, it found itself stepping on the outstretched fingers and a hand hesitantly rubbing over its back.

"Are you lost? Hurt?" He asked with a pout, eyes as wide a saucers as he fretted. It let out a little delighted chirp before flapping its wings and taking off. It briefly recognized the dissapointed look in his eyes, instinctively reaching out to catch it before it could get away, but withheld, a deed it was grateful for.

It landed on the nearby window ceil of a small store, bush's eyes never leaving it. It fluttered again, landing a bit farther, and before the boy could process it, he was following the bird.

It felt a pang of guilt when it rounded a corner into an alleyway, moss climbing up the faded red of the bricks, and two large men wearing black snatched up the kid, injecting chemicals into his system. He dropped like a sack of bones, and it was easy hauling him into the back of the old white van.

The bird landed on the ground infront of the man. He gazed back with a gentle look, reminding his friend to be careful with the target before dazzling golden light poured from his fingers and bathed its feathers.

The bird grew, its eyes bulged before sinking back, large and round as it beak retracted into soft pink lips. Teeth filled it's mouth as it's claws turned to feet and talons rounded to nails. Though it still bore a sharp jawline and feathers intertwined with her hair, dazzling golden eyes blinking against the harsh light as some prongs of pain sparked as cells set into places and bones shifted and turned.

She smiled up at the men before crawling into the back, her arms were her wings, large and glowing in the golden rays of the setting sun. The white shirt hung off of her thin frame in mocking. She really did need to scavenge for more food less she starve.

The boy who'd been so kind slouched asleep against the walls of the van, hands tied delicately together. They weren't trying to harm to poor child, but they needed the money as they'd needed it many time before. A thousand dollars is all they would ask the parents for in return for their child. A deal no one had disagreed to. A thousand dollars wasn't a million as most villains would bargain. In fact, more people said yes or them so they were quickly growing in profit.

She wrapped her wings around the boy as they started to move, muscles beneath feathers providing a cushion so he wouldn't hit hit head against the metal of the vehicle while they rode.

The silence was filled with the humming of an engine and soft murmuring from the front seat. And with this, it would allow her to think.

She was an it as an animal. Always had been always will be. Maybe. Every time she transformed she became smarter and smarter. As a human, coherent thoughts would invade her intuitive mind. Opinions and feelings were more present, they'd always been but never to the extent as a human felt them. And she knew with time she would become an it once again, she would look for the next victim and lead them to the men. Never once had they harmed a child past a simple scrape or bruise, careful with their work they were.

But yet the boys arms were painted in yellow and blue with oceans of purple, pink pale skin next to firy red irritation that held onto the warmth of the wound.

She handled the boy with care, wincing when she noticed the rough ropes rubbing up against a particularly nasty burn. She plucked a few feathers and tucked them in between the worst of it, acting as a bandage or something more soft compared to the binds.

The car slowed the a stop and the door to the van was pulled open. She scrambled out, handling the boy with as much care as he did her. She set him on the floor and chained his leg to the wall. Bile rose in the back of her throat as she did, she never like caging the poor children, wanting them to fly free. But she knew they'd be safe. No harm would come to them.

Call them terrible villains, but they were widely known and wanted. They'd never hurt children, but that's because they were shielded from the truth of reality and couldn't do much. But adults turned a blind eye and did nothing to help. They could burn for all she cared, burn as her previous home had.

She pushed away the flashes of memories, golden lighting being tucked far away in the back of her mind and the smell of burning wood and loud claps of thunder being nothing but a long lost nightmare.

She didn't want to focus on that so she won't, instead she's intrigued by bush, who was starting stir. Worry swirled in her gut, wondering who could have wound the poor boy.


Izuku had just been dragging his feet along the concrete of the sidewalk, ruining his brand new shoes. Not that they weren't already ruined with rusty stains and black charred laces. He'd been in his head when the most beutiful bird landed on a tree branch he was probably going to run into.

But now he stopped and stared at the magnificent creature before him. He cooed and reached out a finger, heart leaping when the small being stepped onto it. His eyes were alight with wonder and amazement. Nothing had ever dared to be this friendly before!

Although, he didn't deal with animals, had never bonded or tried to be nice to one when one day his classmate had kicked a cat for licking its rough tounge against the tips of izukus fingers.

Although, Katsuki didn't talk to that classmate for awhile after that, and animal cruelty seemed to be an exception when tormenting Izuku. But that never stopping him from being careful.

He had followed the little birdie down the sidewalk, a van pulled up and suddenly he was passing out.

He awoke in a room and tears pricked his eyes. "Calm down, kid. We're just holdin' ya here until we can get your parents phone number, if they want ya back they're gonna have to pay."

It did take awhile for Izuku to calm down. Now, he was left numb. There wasn't anything he could do, afterall. He was kidnapped and there was no way his momma or papa would really spend precious money just to get his useless self back.

A small, red phone was put on speaker and rung out. "Just let me go home, please..." Izuku croaked out in one last desperate attempt.

"Hello? This is Midoriya Inko, who is this?"

"Hello yes, we have your son. And if you him back your gonna have to pay us a thousand dollars."

There was noise on the other side, and Izuku felt like crying again at the hushed murmers, a sharp laugh was heard finally, jolting his kidnappers.

"Nah, you can keep him! Good radiance!" A male voice laughed and the phone was hung up.

"Oh..." one of the men said slowly, turning back to Izuku with a sad look.

That's when Izuku learned that he wasn't going home.

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