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Mature Scenes

One Month Later

The soil in the ground breaks in, moving inwards and flourishing the life in the flowers as they bloom in splattered colours of variations. The green leaves of the trees blossomed off their branches, spreading their trace throughout the Manor, illuminating the gloominess of the house with an exquisite view.

The Manor is surrounded now by bright pinks, yellow and blue. It was as if a painting was exhibited for the ends and ends of the land. The scenery was a stroke of perfection, endlessly glistening in natural beauty.

Near the end of the estate, the scent of the saltwater from the beach becomes a newfound aroma. It swirls with the other scents as they mismatch with the flowers. The crash of the waves hitting up against the wet sand became a new calmness, especially to the elves working through their day in the gardens. The windy air clashed in whirlwinds as the birds soared in the sky, marking the division between the blues and clouds are their own.

The weather was back to warm, and as the season returned- memories of one year ago rushed to the surface for all staying at the Manor. The summer breeze drifted through the sky, holding passion as it mothered the land lying below.

There was a sort of happiness, roaming around the edges. The dark- black architecture now became a colour- a non-existent feeling that ushered into the veins of any who decided to visit. It was now a golden resurfacing of change. The colours represented a new meaning- the alteration but along with that connected the seasons. And now that summer has arrived, the mood has taken a toll on its own. The sun bursting flames of heat came as a relaxing potion.

At night the sky blended back into an atmosphere full of glossy scenery- with pinks and purples adding tints of dark blue when the sun rested upon the horizon, ready to settle down for the day. The moonlight came in exchange- equally the beauty that was held throughout the day. Stars twinkled, covering the night sky's day after day. The constellations pinpointed their locations, and Draco and Esme would sit upon the balcony watching over for hours, speaking in low voices of the destinations the constellations took and the history behind the glowy black sky.

At times their conversation would always fall back on his constellation, "Draco.". And each time, his eyes would fixate on her as she spoke.

Esme never noticed how his eyes melted as he watched her curiously peer up at the sky and then indulge in a lesson of the one he was named after. She never noticed the way his head tilted, watching the way her lips moved quickly as she got excited. She never saw the way his attention would remain solely on her- and only her.

And that at times he would often zone out of the lessons- the sound of her voice was a malicious sin he promised to trace back to. He enjoyed how each word leaving her soft lips sounded like poetry- flowing with rhythm and sense. When her fingers would point upon the sky as she laid upon his bare chest, he would pull her closer when the nightly breeze passed against their skin sending rows of goosebumps against her brown flesh.

He was mesmerizing her body as a whole. There was no denying her eyes were one of her best features- and that he was falling for the way they always told the whole story. The story was a narrative following the acts behind the passion in her eyes, the fire that surrounded her retinas, bringing out her true persona.

And his bitter heart was warmed for her.

As the night's grew cold up on the balcony, he would cover her frame with a blanket, keeping distance from the frozen touch that remained inside him. It was at time's like these he cherished her longer- the way her long lashes would glare up at him, pulling the blanket overtop the both of them and snuggling herself closer into his body. Because to her, he was the only warmth in a room of ice.

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