Chapter 20

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✸ 2 months later ✸

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 2 months later 

The moment Kevin knew that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Madigan will forever stay in his mind. 

It had been a normal workday at the precinct. A new case hadn't been taken up yet and they were all working on paperwork. Every single officer and detective behind their desks and Sergeant Hank Voight behind the desk in his office. 
Whatever Kevin did, Madigan always stayed in his mind. Of course, when they were running after criminals, he focused on them to keep his fellow officers safe. But at the back of his mind was Madigan, reminding him to be as safe as possible, he didn't want to leave her alone, he would never want to do that. He also couldn't imagine being without her anymore. 

And just as Kevin paused working, he heard footsteps coming up. Everyone looked towards the stairs and saw Trudy Platt coming up with someone else behind her.

"Look who I have here!" Platt said with a not often seen smile and stepped aside. As soon as everyone saw Madiagan they all jumped up and walked towards her. 

Kevin just observed how happy all his coworkers, his family members, were to see her. Over the months they had been together, Madigan had truly become a part of their family. 
He felt happy to see everyone hugging and welcoming her. Adam quickly took the Tupperware boxes from her hands and put them on his own table.

Kevin shook his head at Adam who already had a half-eaten cookie in his said and said with his mouth full: "Damn Mads, you make the best damn cookies in town!"

Kevin walked towards Madigan and said to Adam Ruzek, "I agree but damn, don't talk with your mouth full, dawg."

Kevin stopped next to Madigan and wrapped his arms around her shoulders tightly, "Hey, baby."

"Hey, Kev." 
Kevin looked down at her and saw Madigan looking up with a big smile on her face and his heart filled with warmness. His heart was happy

Madigan looked at Adam as he seemed frozen, he just stared at her for seconds without blinking.

"What's up?" she asked with a smile still on her face. She just felt so happy to see him that she couldn't wipe it off of her face

"I'm just happy to see you," Kevin smiled at her, "and leave me some of those damn cookies too, Ruz," Kevin quickly walked towards the cookies. 

Madigan laughed and followed him. At that exact moment, Sergeant Voight walked out of his office. 

"Hey, kiddo!" Hank greeted Madigan.

"Hey, Hank!" Madigan greeted him with a big smile and walked up to him to give him a hug. They hugged for a few seconds and after Madigan offered him a cookie and they fell into a completely comfortable conversation.

A few months ago all the people Kevin worked with, including Kevin himself, used to be completely bewildered by how those two got along. Hank quickly became a father figure for Madigan and Madigan became like a foster daughter for him. Madigan is one of the few people who can make Hank smile and laugh so much. 
And that itself made Kevin so happy. He knew how much Madigan still hurt, and probably always will, because of losing her parents. And while they won't ever be the same, they, and Hank Voight, still can be someone she can count on forever. 

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