New member to the family M-21

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It has been a week since Rai moved in with his servant and his servant's daughter Ae Cha, she was happy to know it would not always be just her and her dad but with Rai here she is happy.

Ae Cha's POV:

I was sleeping peacefully until I heard footsteps coming from the family room, as I peeked through the corner of my now open door, I walked carefully silent with my slippers on and then started hearing more voices other than, daddy and Rai. The voice was deep and strong, 

"...we were made to become experimental successes but," I watched from the dark corner I was hiding in, he showed both my daddy and Rai his long nails that apparently are claws, 'Woah, that's amazing' my thoughts were interrupted when I suddenly and stupidly stumbled behind the sofa Rai was sitting on and Daddy was the first to react but instead of scolding (which he never does) and asked, "Are you hurt? And what we're doing out of bed Ae?"  

I shyly waved my hand and said, "I couldn't sleep because of your footsteps and I couldn't help myself but listen to a realistic story daddy."

"Who is she?" said the silver-haired man as he pointed at me in shock. Daddy picked me up from the floor and I yawned in response and he answered, "She is  Ae Cha, my daughter and Ae Cha this is M-21."

As he introduced us I wriggled out of daddy's arms and ran to stand in front of M-21 and said, "Is it just me or is he going to be my bodyguard, daddy?"

Rai chuckled almost spitting his tea that daddy ran to clean the mess immediately, however, M-21 looked at me in worry but I looked at him like he was a man who was mature enough to know the real world but has so much to learn...'Just like Rai but more down to earth though' I thought as I then, raised my arms up signalling him to pick me up and apparently daddy explained to him, 

"She is actually my adopted daughter, you see she wants you to pick her up." 

And with that he did and now I was sleeping on M-21 arms as I fell deeply asleep.

Nobodies POV:

While Ae Cha slept peacefully in M-21's arms he stiffened but then, he sat down across from both Frankenstein and Rai. So then, M-21 asked, while looking down at the sleeping child in his arms, "So how long have you had her?" 

"I have had her for more than 5 years and she is the light whenever I am stressed before Master came. Although, she is the only thing that kept me going," said Frankenstein as he softens his eyes staring at his now sleeping daughter and continued, "She was found by me in my doorstep, she was cold but wrapped around with dirty blankets unhealthy for a baby to be suffering in the cold at first, I thought I should take care before I give her up to the child agency or the orphanage but later then, I realize that she was sick and she would only have by now a year to live. However, I will still be able to protect her like I have been protecting my Master for this time I have finally found him although,"  

He walks over to M-21 and was now carrying her in his arms as he was leaving the room, M-21 followed to where Frankenstein was going with his daughter in his arms. As for Rai, he accompanied his servant to his daughter's room along with M-21 next to him. Once they made it to the door, Franken opened the door inside Ae Cha's room was dark inside while the moonlight glimmered the room through the tall window next to her small aquamarine and pink flower-patterned bed. 

The room was clean and organized, the books on all the shelves of the side of the room, a desk in front of the window along with white curtains pulled to the side, her fluffy toys all gathered in front of the box that had a label that said "Toys" and a closet right next to her own private bathroom. Her bedside table had a pink alarm clock and behind it was a lamp decorated with animal stickers, her bag next to her desk and needless to say that the room was spotless and organized.  

Franken then, placed her in her bed as he was tucking her in she whispered, "Good night everyone and smile..."

Franken then, said, "Good night princess." as he took a strand of her hair away from her face and once he closed the door shut. M-21 asked,  

"She will be fine won't she?" as the three men (M-21, Frankenstein and Rai) walked through the hallway back to the family room and sat down. Franken then, turned serious while saying,

"I would do anything to cure her even if it means my whole life to end but...I would not abandon her or you Master."

Rai only nodded and then, they all went back to the important decision, of the new member of the team.

I love you all so much 

Fairchild out~

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