'I hated it once then don't know what happened but I started shipping these two and I like it.'

'Why would you ship me with him' 'As if I wanna be shipped with you reindeer games' 'LOL guys stop fighting and Stony you need to come to the kitchen with me right now' 'Don't call me that' 'Plz, ma'am don't do that' 'yeah sure..... I'll still ship you two no matter what' 

In the kitchen

'What you wanna show us?' 'This'

I threw my phone at Steve and ran away to hide behind Thor as he was the only person I could hide behind without being caught

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I threw my phone at Steve and ran away to hide behind Thor as he was the only person I could hide behind without being caught . A few seconds later I heard the most annoyingly dumb scream from Steve probably and Tony was yelling my name at the top of his lungs . 'What did you show them'  Clint asked like a curious little bird 'Nothing you have to care about Birdboi' 'hey come on you can think of something better than that' 'Whatever Hawkeye' I said in a teasing tone . 'Y/N you might wanna run cause I sense a very annoyed Tony heading your way' Nat said pointing to Tony who looked so red as if his armour leaved a stain behind on him 'On it!!' I said running as fast s possible to the elevator which was tough because Tony was in the kitchen hallway which also lead to the elevator. Thankfully Steve healed Tony off so I could reach the elevator and asked Jarvis to take me to my floor as fast as possible and Tony  had made it out of Steve's grip 'Oh shoot J
faster please' 'On it' before Tony could reach me the elevator doors closed 'Oh thank God' I said .

~Timeskip bought to you by Tony searching for Y/N ~

I hid in the closet of my room for god knows how long and I left my phone in the kitchen too hope no one opens it . "Miss Y/N , you are being called down to the kitchen for some dinner" 'oh my have I been hiding for that long . Sure I'll be down in a few' I got out of the closet and looked at the ginormous window in the room it really had been that long huh I thought as I rushed to the kitchen 'Sorry for making you wait' I said while bowing down with my while body 'It's okay now come eat' Steve said on behalf of the team . 'Umm Steve and Tony I'm sorry for what I did this afternoon' I said looking down at my feet 'It's alright' Steve said giving me a side hug Tony sat right opposite to me with Bruce on his right Nat on Bruce's right . Steve sat at the

ront with me to his left and Thor on my left with Loki having Clint at his left and Thor at his right.

(Author-chan get your shit together)

'It's okay' Tony said after a while Steve served everyone and it was my f/d (fav dish) I thanked Steve after he served everyone and started eating . After we finished I offered to clean with Steve which he denied 'Let me do it please I don't wanna seem like a burden'  'Y/N your not a burden' 'But atleast let me dry them for you' 'Okay okay here' Steve said handing me dishes to dry . When we were done Steve put the dishes away which were in high cabinets while I put the ones which were lower. 'All done!!' I said merrily. 'Hey Everyone let's watch a movie' Thor said to which everyone agreed 'Which movie tho' Clint asked as he made a small neat nest for him and Nat with a little bit space for another person to fit in. Thor and Loki sat side by side on the floor with Steve braiding Thor's hair and Bruce sitting to his right with Tony in front of him (it's a L shaped  couch ) They played l/f/m (least favourite movie) 'Sit here Y/N' Clint invited me to his little nest and I sat besides Nat . Halfway through the movie I fell asleep on Nat's shoulder she didn't flinch but rested my head on her lap with Clint singing a melody to me . I smiled before I let my subconsciousness take over me .

Author-chan's POV

You woke up after stirring a little in your sleep . 'How did I get here?' you said . Apparently Nat had brought you back to your room when you tell asleep and even tucked you in . You took a shower changed back into your own clothes (which were these)

 You took a shower changed back into your own clothes (which were these)

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(And this is your bag just so you know )  /Y/N's POV/

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(And this is your bag just so you know )
/Y/N's POV/

I decided to give Nat her clothes back when I'd meet her in the kitchen for breakfast I headed down to the living room and was greeted by the sight of Clint hanging from the vent and Nat helping him down . Tony saw me and said 'Got the hots for Cap?' 'No, I see him more as a father than a friend' 'You look good' Nat commented . 'Thanks ,oh and here's your clothes I washed them before giving them back' ' It's okay you can have those and remind me to take you shopping after we're done with breakfast'  'Okay' I said as I put the clothes on the couch and helped Bruce make breakfast . When the food was ready the Gods came down with a sweaty looking Steve maybe he was at the gym . I helped Bruce serve everyone and after finishing me and Nat went down to the garage with Tony's credit card Nat stealed. She actually didn't steal it because his card was right there on the kitchen counter . We took one of Tony's expensive looking car to the mall .


That's it for today hope you guys enjoy make sure to vote and comment see you soon on the next chapter of What In The Nine Realms

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