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It was a bright and early morning, the avengers were just waking up and shuffling around the coffee machine when they heard a thump outside.
“Hey Tony, did you hear that?”
Tony glanced away from the coffee machine momentarily to work out where Steve’s voice was coming from.
“Hmm, what? I didn't hear anything.”
“I could've sworn that I heard something.”
“It’s still early Steve, you must have been hearing things.”
“Tony -It’s 8:00- I’ve been up for 2 hours. I know what I heard.”
Steve placed his coffee down on the marble countertop table.
“I’m going to go have a look, I think it came from the balcony.”
He walked out of the room and towards the balcony. His heart momentarily stopped as he saw someone stretched across the balcony.

Reader’s POV.

Y/N slowly opened her eyes as her head throbbed.
She could hear someone yelling from behind her and she shut her eyes again.

3rd person POV

“Tony! Get over here! Please, It’s urgent!” Steve yelled.
Tony came sprinting over and almost spilt his cup of coffee as he saw what Steve had disturbed his morning for.
“Steve, who the fuck is that!?”
“Why would I know? That’s why I’m calling you!”
“Come on, let’s bring them into the tower. Then we can find out what they’re doing here.”
Tony attempted to pick them up and failed horribly.
“Steve, can you help me pick them up? They’re ridiculously heavy.”
“Yeah, sure.”
Steve picked them up with ease, as Tony watched in awe.
“Do they even weigh anything to you?!”
“No, It’s like holding a couple of grapes.”
Steve then carried her into the building and towards the medbay as Tony went to go get Banner.Steve placed her down and began explaining what had happened.
“I heard a thump, walked outside and she was there. Oh and she had a bag as well,”
He held up a small black bag with the avenger’s logo in gold.
“She’s probably just a fangirl,” Tony said. “Most 14 year old girls are.”

Reader’s POV

I slowly opened my eyes to bright lights and people talking.
“Oh look, she’s awake”
“Huh? I swear, you sound so much like Tony Stark it’s funny,”
“Kid, look who you’re talking to.”
My eyes widened as I realised who I was in the room with.
Tony fucking Stark, Steve “Language” Rogers and Bruce Banner aka the Hulk.
“This must be a dream, right?”
Did I actually say that out loud?
I felt my face go warm and knew that I was blushing out of embarrassment.
“What do you mean?” Banner asked, a look of curiosity on his face.
“None of you are actually… well… real.”
Steve stepped closer to her,
“What I want to know is, how did you get on the balcony in the first place?”I nodded slowly, “That is a bit complicated.”
I then explained what happened on my school trip but didn’t mention anything about the man that had ressembled Loki.
“How can we be sure that you are not lying?”
I reached into my pocket for my phone, if this was really a dream it wouldn’t work. To my surprise it did.
I unlocked it and played various clips from Capatin America: The first Avenger. Steve was shocked and curious as he was sure non of this had been filmed.
“She’s telling the truth guys, the scenes are accurate and nobody was filming them.”
Both Banner and Stark looked much more serious now.
“Since we know you are telling the truth, what’s your name? I can search all the government databases to see if you really are froma  parallel universe.”
“Y/N, Y/N L/N.”
That's it for today hope you guys enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment on the chapter
Find out what happens next in ' What In The Nine Realms '


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