Chapter 3: Jealousy

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~Your Mine~

Chapter 3: Jealousy

The tennis practice was just over and Ryoma, as usual, was walking Sakuno home.

It was quiet between them, and Sakuno couldn't help but glance at him every now and then. Ryoma looked a bit distracted since earlier.

Momo-senpai even managed to win two games from him! And to make matters worse, he refused to drink a single can of Ponta! Now that was some serious problem.

Everyone was worried so they told Sakuno to ask him what was wrong and try her best to comfort him, though she already planned to ask him about it without being told to. Still though, no matter what Ryoma was worried about, she couldn't understand why he would develop a sudden dislike of Ponta. Just the sight of it was making him flinch.

Sakuno was really really confused and worried now.

'Could it be...that he's thinking about Yu-san? Did he finally remember her? Is Yu-san somehow related to his sudden dislike of Ponta? But that doesn't make any sense.'

She glanced at him again.

"What is it, Sakuno?"

She jolted in surprise when Ryoma suddenly spoke to her. He was gazing at her now, his eyebrow raised.

'Ah! He caught me staring!' Her face burned in embarrassment.

"N-Nothing," she answered, shifting her eyes in front of her.

"Heh, Mada mada dane, Sakuno. There's something you wanted to ask me, that's why you keep glancing at me," Ryoma said, smirking confidently. "Now tell me what's wrong."

Sakuno pouted. 'How did he even figured that out?!'

"Umm, I'm just wondering, Ryoma-kun. Do you...really not remember Yu-san?" she was finally able to blurt out, looking down at her feet.

Ryoma hummed beside her and she looked up to see his reaction. He was just looking impassively ahead before he glanced back at her.

"I did...just earlier actually," he replied nonchalantly.

'Is that why you're distracted for the rest of the day?' Sakuno wanted to ask, but somehow, her tongue refused to blurt the question out.

"What do you remember?" she whispered instead.

Ryoma frowned at her question.

"Y-You can decide not to tell me! I'm sorry for being nosy!" she immediately retracted, waving her hands in front of her.

Ryoma stopped walking, so she paused in her step too.

"Umm...I'm so–" Her second apology was cut off as Ryoma suddenly held her hand before he resumed walking. Sakuno matched his steps in confusion.

"I'm not mad at you for asking. You deserve to know..." Ryoma muttered.

"It's okay if you don't want to talk about it, Ryoma-kun," she said, squeezing his hand.

Ryoma looked at her, a small smirk on his lips. "Che, that attitude of yours will make me feel guilty if I don't tell you."

Sakuno's whole face reddened. "I'm sorry! You don't really have to tell me Ryoma-kun! I-It's just–everyone is worried about you and they asked me to find out the reason why! N-Not that I'm not worried too, of course, I'm much more worried, j-just–"

Her nonsensical blabbering was cut off by his lips. His arm wrapped around her waist as he pulled her body flushed against him; and like any other time he kissed her, Sakuno was, again, lost in the overwhelming sensation that Ryoma's lips brought her. She couldn't think of anything but him. His manly fragrance, his touch, how good his soft lips felt as they moved against hers, and his taste which was surprisingly Ponta-free today.

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