A nightmare

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I saw lights flash. I heard screams. They were screaming out my name. I felt my body be crushed by something.
I gasped and opened my eyes, i was met with the familiar sight of my room.
The room was full with calming colours, old lamps and a few pictures. I never knew why i liked taking pictures, it just makes me happier looking at old memories... often.
I've had my bad times, like when my pet bird flew out their cage and crashed into a window and died.
I began thinking about the nightmare, why was people screaming out my name?  What was with the flashing lights? ...What hit me?
I felt a bit unnerved after that.
I shrugged it off and went to the kitchen to make some breakfast.
I made toast and a cup of coffee. I sat down the old table and began eating. It felt a bit lonely, my parents would often work.
They were nice people and they did their best to keep me happy... i feel selfish for wishing to have a day for just me and my family.
I stared at a family foto that was hanging from the wall. I wish i could stay in that picture.
I put away the dishes and walked to the doof that led to our backyard. I put on my light blue shoes and bright green raincoat.
I looked around and saw tiny water drops fall to the ground. I saw some wild flowers and i saw bees hiding in them.
I quickly made my way forward, i wanted to get away from any spider that could've thought of attacking me.
I could finally see a few trees surrounding a mossy place. It was as big as a blanket, tho it was a quite calming place.
I felt myself smile. I felt less alone here.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2021 ⏰

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