A Melodic Solution Called Love

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You are Y/n L/n, a student in the 78th class of Hope's Peak Academy. Y/n L/n, known as the Ultimate Mathematician to many. Since elementary, you already have a big grasp on Mathematics. In middle school, you have received international attention as you have solved a one hundred year-old math problem in a very young age.

Many look at you as that stern and cold guy like Byakuya because of your intelligence. But this actually Isn't the case. Your best friend, Makoto and your other friends know that you are very approachable. You even help many at their math homework with nothing in return.

You were sitting at your chair and looked outside by the window. You looked outside to see many of the students hanging out with each other while you're at your seat reading a math book. Ever since, you just can't lose your grasp on math books. As other kids doodle animals with random colors, Y/n just read books while holding a pencil to take notes. As other teenagers go to malls or play sports, Y/n remains in his seat with his book in hand.

"The way I wasted childhood is simply miserable." You said as you sighed. Makoto went up to you and patted your back.

"Anything wrong?" Makoto asked as you looked at him.

"Not really, just tired of reading." You said as you again sighed.

"I see, well do you want to go somewhere after classes?" Makoto asked.

"Not really, I just want to go home by now honestly..." You said as Makoto sighed and left you alone as you rested your head at your armchair making you contemplate your life choices.

"...L/n-kun?" A soft voice said, a voice you're familiar with. You looked up to see Sayaka, the Ultimate Idol. Sayaka, Makoto, and you went to the same middle school. Albeit, Sayaka was in a different section while you and Makoto were classmates. Even if all you had on your notebooks and phone was something related with math, you also had a small crush on the idol way back in middle school. Although you two never communicated to each other as she was a very popular idol known all across Japan while yes, you may be popular but that is only in the field of Mathematics, something very obscure, especially for the youth.

"Ah, what is it? Is something wrong, Maizono-san?" I asked the girl.

"I was wondering if you would like to come to my concert later... I know you're a very busy man but if you can, please come." She said as she gave you a ticket, a ticket with the mark of VIP. This made you blush, your crush on Sayaka has been long gone but you feel very conflicted. Like a guitar that had it's strings strummed for the first time in years. It's something you can't explain why this is the case. It's like a postulate that you can't explain why it's true. Like a problem that you know the answer but not the solution. You sat there, still lost in your own thoughts...

"L/n-kun? Hello?" Sayaka said, putting you back into reality.

"Huh? Oh... Sure, I'll go." You said as you smiled at her, to which she responded back with a slight blush as she waved goodbye and left.

"I guess I am going somewhere later... Oh well..." You said as you sighed and spent the rest of the day listening to your teachers.

~After classes~

The bell rang and all of you were dismissed. You saw Sayaka hastily run out of the room as her concert will begin in an hour or two.

"Y/n, I thought you're going home. Why do you have a ticket for Sayaka's concert?" Makoto said.

"Ah... Well... You see, it's free. So why not?" You said as you chuckled.

"Free? Or maybe you just want to see somebody?" Makoto asked.

A Melodic Solution - Sayaka Maizono x Male reader one-shot (Danganronpa)Where stories live. Discover now