Why don't you smile?😑

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January 20, 2018.

Ms. Varshini Nandagopal's office

We were standing out of her office. Just waiting for the interview. We were quite close from our childhood, me and my friend. He totally had no interest in this job. But, he accompanied me as we studied together right from kindergarten. He started his advice...

"Dey, what's this da?"

"Interview da"

"I am not asking about it. Why are WE here?"

"Shouldn't we?"


"I need. Need her as my wife"

"So, if you need her as your wife, just go and propose her"

"Can't da..."

"What do you mean by can't?"

"I mean that she is very mean. More mean than the total number of 'mean's you've used in your life"

"Okay. Don't you have any other option? Who gave this stupid idea?"

"I've seen almost 10 movies in which hero will work under the heroine, impress her and become her husband at the climax. Moreover, we both work in the same field but with a small difference"

"What's that?"

"She has a masters, but I have only a bachelor degree"

"Not only in degree, in marital status too"

"Yes, absolutely. I've come to change both"

"Okay. Please leave me. I'm not going to accompany you in this nonsense"

"Please da. Atleast come with me for this interview"


He said that in a highly irritated tone.

Mr. Rishi... My friend's name was announced.

He went in and came out half an hour later. I could hear sounds of abuse in between. I could understand what would have happened.

Mr. Roshan...

I went in.

Good morning ma'am

Hmmm. Morning
What's your name?

Mr. Roshan Dhruv Raj. My friends call me RDR...

I'll call you Rosh...

Roshan would be better ma'am

So, you're gonna teach me what's better?

Absolutely not ma'am. You may call whatever you like.

Sure. Many bad words are waiting for you.

So, that means I've been selected as your personal assistant?

Mmm... Before that, I ll check your honesty.
Why did you choose this job?

To impress you.


I mean, as an employee

Just as an employee?

Something beyond that.

What's that?

I was aware that there's a camera in our waiting room and you were watching it.


Then, I tried to propose you through the camera and I did.

Impressive, as an employee.
You're selected. You may go now

Thank you ma'am.

I started walking back from her room.

Hey... She called commandingly...


I forgot something.

Yes please ma'am

I'm impressed by the way you proposed. But not impressed by you.

That takes some time ma'am.

Oh, you have so much confidence?

Yes ma'am. A person without confidence is equal to the roof leaning on the pillar. They always need some support. I like to be a pillar.

But I'll not be the roof

I could assure that I'll be your shelter with me being the entire building.

Let's see. All the best for your academic and personal career.

Thank you ma'am. One last question.


Why don't you smile?

Same date. Same time.

Mrs. Janaki Shivaguru's residence

She was devastated. Why wouldn't she? Lost her husband at a very young age who was an honest industrialist and a good person by heart. She took care of his business thereafter. She had a son who means a lot to her. Both were caring each other. Then she lost her son in a bike accident which she had advised him almost a lakh times not to drive a two wheeler without a helmet. But unfortunately, he lost his life.

She had only her industry and she took care of her workers as her own child. She was too kindhearted.

Her health was deteriorating slowly. Cough and breathing difficulty killed her slowly. She was diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma due to the inhaled asbestos from her industry. Doctors said that her life expectancy will be a maximum of 1 year.

Actually, she was happy initially, because she didn't want to live without her husband and son. She was curious too meet them in the heaven. She knew very well that money alone wouldn't bring happiness without their loved ones. She enjoyed that curiosity for few days, accompanied with some chemotherapy.

One day she realised that her assets are also orphan, just like her and it was the time to write the will. She had few relatives, but they were very cunning and they were waiting for her death just to loot her property. Many of her family members visited her just to advice her to write the will in their name, but not to discuss about her health. It was more irritating and annoying for her and she said her to leave her alone and let her think.

She had some close friends, who were good at heart but she knew very well that they couldn't manage such a big industry. So she dropped the idea of writing the will in their name.

Few friends adviced to write the will in name of any orphanage or old age home so that her properties will be of use atleast to someone who is in need of money.

But she denied because everything was hard earned money. She didn't achieve it easily. It was a hardwork of 35 years. She was confused to the core and dissolved in thinking. She finally came out with a convinving idea...

- to be continued....

EMOTIONS GALORE...Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz