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The next day I went over to Scott's again to work on our project. It's really coming along nicely. And I can't help but wonder when I'm with him, if things were different, if our world weren't so messed up, could we have actually become friends? And if we did, what kind of friend would he be?

Would he be the kind that invites you over all the time? Would his home practically become your second home? Or maybe the reverse. Maybe he'd be the kind of friend who showed up unexpectedly at your house all the time. The one who just wants to hang out with you, and you can just lie in the backyard and look at clouds and talk for hours with him. Or anywhere really, so long as you're together.

Maybe he'd be the leader of your friend group. The one who's always bored and calling everyone up to go and do something. Or he could be the quiet one in the group, the one that you don't know very well, but you'd always go to for advice, because you know you'd never steer you wrong. I think Scott would be a great friend, if we'd had that option.

Before long I realize that I've been staring at him for a good five minutes instead of working. And I realize, suddenly, that he's looking at me too, and there's a strange look in his bright, emerald eyes that I can't quite place. I feel like I could stare forever into those eyes and never grow tired. He blinks and the momment is gone. I blush and tear my gaze away from him, and we continue to work.

As I stand to leave he grabs my arm, gesturing for me to wait. "yes?" I ask. "um," he replies, "It's nothing I guess." I sigh and turn away from him. And as I walk out of the room, I accidently trip on his chair.

"Careful!" He says, and helps me up. I gasp. He just spoke to me. Not a message, not typing on his computer, actual audible speech. He's blushing furiously and that look in his eyes is back. I nod to him and quickly exit the room, too embarassed to even message him.

He spoke to me, actual speech. No one does that. Not for someone they barely know. It was pointless, a waste. What was he thinking? Why would he spend his rare, precious words on me? And for such a simple little thing as to save me from falling over. The words weren't even needed, not really. Just catching me would have been sufficient. But he felt the need to speak. And even as I wonder why he would do something so foolish, I'm strangely really, really glad that he did.


Yay! So things are finally happening between them. I'm sorry if the dialouge is a little awkward, but it's actually intentional. I'm trying to show that this purely digital communication doesn't work, that it's stiff and slow. So if my dialouge is weird, I promise it's on purpose. Anyways, please feel free to VOTE and COMMENT. Let me know what you're thinking! Is is good, is it bad, what do you think? Do you like my characters? What's your favorite color? Literally, any comment would make me practically estatic.

Love you guys!


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