Safe Forever

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"Ughh it's not fair. you never let me go by myself!"Ellie refused to let you go on patrol by yourself, but you understood why. the world has fell to shit. nothing was really important anymore because surviving this shitty world is all that mattered.
"y/n, i've told you a million times that i don't trust you going out there on your own." Ellie was the love of your life, but sometimes she got a little annoying. you have been together ever since you met her and Joel a few years back.
"you're being such an asshole. you know that right?"
Ellie looked at you with wide eyes.
"I am just trying to protect you y/n!"
you scoffed. "How is keeping me inside these stupid gates protecting me." Ellie turned around and before you could say anything else she was gone.

A day later
It's been a few hours since you've seen ellie. you were making some hot tea when you heard a soft knock at your door. you set your mug that Joel gave you on the a little side table. opening the door you find dina standing with something in her hand. you cleared your throat. "Hey dina" you said trying not to sound any different then yesterday.
"Oh hey y/n. can i come in?" You nodded your head and dina stepped into your tiny home that you shared with ellie. Your house wasn't the biggest or prettiest, but it felt like home. You moved in with ellie a couple of months ago and it just always felt right.
"ignore the mess. i haven't really had time to clean it." You said firmly. dina was the kindest person you've ever met. she has always been the brightest person during this whole mess and you loved that about her. She has been your best friend since you got to Jackson, and helped you and Ellie get together. without her you would've never met the love of your life.
"Sorry for bothering you, but our packages got switched up." she said with a soft smile. you looked over to the couch where a small paper bag laid.
"oh i guess Jesse isn't the best at this new delivery thing, huh." you said with a hint of sarcasm. Ever since Dina's boyfriend , Jesse , got caught trying to sneak out he became the delivery man. even though it's just for a few weeks you still thought it was hilarious.
"so how are you and Ellie doing?" Dina asked seriously. you frowned while grabbing the bag from the couch.
"uh we are doing fine." you told her with a blank face. trying not to make eye contact with her you handed her the package. "um speaking of Ellie, have you seen her?" Dina looked at you confused.
"Yea. she was just at the stables...why?" Dina asked you with a worried expression.
"oh nothing. we just had a little argument yesterday, and i haven't seen her all day." You told her blankly.
"Y/n why didn't you tell me this." Dina said softly trying to comfort you.
"i don't wasn't a big one." You told her. Dina held her pinky up and looked at you. You looked at her pinky then locked your own with it. You have always kept your promises and secrets with this. It really has no meaning but it has always stuck with you ever since you were little.
"Promise?" Dina asked

At the stable
You just arrived to the stables after talking with Dina for a few more minutes. Hearing a loud thud you looked over your shoulder and saw shimmer. "Hi beautiful." You said with a big smile. As you walked over to pet Shimmer you saw Ellie next to her. You cleared your throat and Ellie looked up at you. "Hey" you said trying to sound unbothered.
"hey" Ellie replied a little lower than yours. She looked like she was about to head out to patrol.
"Are you ok?" you asked right away
"yea...i'm fine" she said with a straight face. You knew she wasn't fine. She would never act like this if something wasn't wrong. You took a deep breath.
"Look, i know you're upset with me and i'm sorry, but you can't stay mad at me forever. She scoffed and looked into your eyes. Ugh those forest green eyes always amazed you.
"I'm not mad at you y/n" she said firmly. "I just don't want you to get hurt or bit...ok?" You knew she was immune and that nothing could make you immune too, but sometimes you really wish you had it too.
"Ellie, i understand why you don't want me out there alone, but I have cared for myself more than you can imagine." It's true. before you met her and Joel you were alone and abandoned. you never really felt at home, so you ran away right before the outbreak happened. Everything changed right before your eyes. From buildings burning down to people taking their own lives. you've seen it all.
"No, i don't think you do understand y/n. i made you a promise to keep you safe...forever." You were shocked. You thought she forgot about the promises you made to each other. Staring at your feet most of the time you felt warm hands on your face. Ellie looked into your e/c orbs.
"I love you more than you will ever know y/n." She told you truthfully. "I also understand you have been through a lot and i am so proud of you, but please let me just keep that promise." Ellie held up her pinky and intertwined it with yours.
"I love you to Ellie....forever"

I really hoped you enjoyed this first little story. In each story there will either be a Dina or Ellie picture that lets you know which it will be about. For example this one is about Ellie. Anywhooo...please give me some ideas and let me know what i should write or change. Thank you so much for reading!!

Ellie & Dina x reader one shots Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя