showtime battle

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Its been 11 years since i accidently burned that orphanage they
still think i killed them for no reason when i go out i try my best not to use my skull heart powers. I turned the abandond house into.a decent house somewhow i put electricity in the house so now i have kitchen and lights anyways i was reading a book until i heard my stomach growl i went to my fridge i had nothing looks like i ran out but i didnt feel
like cooking so i thought i will go eat somewhere so i went walking into new maradian city i saw a cafe called mad
mans cafe so i went inside and sat down i saw a girl sitting down drinking her shake with her hat looked odd i just ingnored it

Waiter hello sir what would you like to eat and drink?

Y/n water and burger with fries

Waiter coming right up

I waited for my food and the girl was giving me strange looks i just ingnored it i saw a guy came in and walked up to the girl

Riccardo well well well what have we here what say i buy you a real drink sister?

I was disgusted of what the man said anger was filling in me i walked up to him

Y/n oi the girl doesnt seem interested leave her alone

Riccardo or what?

I grabbed his hand and broke it and punch him in the face flying throu the window i was so pissed that my hand turn blue flames revealing my right skeloten hand and my right eye glowing blue

Y/ns mind Damn it i blew my cover

???? What you have the skull heart thats inpossible?

I looked at the girl and the poeple in the cafe they looked at me shocked i ran out of the cafe as fast as i can see poeple looking at me shock that my right eye was glowing meaning had the skull heart

Y/ns mind i only trained my skull heart powers so i dont kill them by accident damn it what do i do i will wait until its safe to come back home and nobody followed me

I was in a alley way i had to catch my breath but then i senced somone behind me i looked behind me and it was the same girl i helped at the cafe

???? Careful kid remeber he has the skull heart and could be hostile

I heard a deep voice then i saw her hair eat the hat

Y/n what the hell?

???? Ye i know samson sorry but it looks like we have to fight

Y/n no wait i dont wanna fight whats your name?

Filia im Filia and sorry i cant let you get away

Y/n we can tal

Before.i can finish my sentence she rushed at me her hair named samson shoot his razor tendrils at me i dodge it getting a slight cut in my cheek i shooted a blue skull at her she dodge it and kick me slamming me in.a brick wall

Y/n dam it shes strong i only meditate to control my powers but i never train phsicically nor fighted someone like her what do i do

Yn got a idea he spread blue flames on the grown filia dodge and samson raps around filias torso turning into a spinning saw y/n dodge it but he got a cut in his chest y/n hissed in pain as he regenerated filia curls into a ball samson covers her in sharp spikes they rolled over to y/n saw it and jumped out of the way he sended 3 skulls at filia it hit her doing some damage

Y/n damit i gotta run im getting tired and shes. Way to strong i have a idea

He sended flames in the ground creatimg smoke when it dissapeared
Y/n was no where to be seen

Samson he got away coward

Filia he got away but still how does he the skull heart i thought women can have it?

Samson well now we know hes on the run lets keep a eye out for now

Filia yeah
as they left the alley way y/n is on top of the building breathing heavely

Y/n i have to get stronger becuase i was lucky enough to destract her if it didnt i wouldve been dead i dont wanna end the same situation like this there could be poeple stronger than her as y/n walked home

Hope you enjoyed

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