ten - play pretend

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the sun shone in through the glass doors of your balcony, making your eyes open by themselves. dust particles danced in the air and came to be seen where the sun slipped in. you groaned, turning on your back while fighting with the sheets.

you sat up straight when the memories of the night before came flooding in like the sun did into the room, an intense blush swarming over your cheeks. you shivered, looking at the empty space in bed next to you.

you sighed in relief, getting out of bed and walking to the doors. at least diluc wasn't here now, that fact in itself saved you from any additional embarrassment.

–"something's wrong" you mumbled to yourself as you looked at your bedside table through squinted eyes and raised eyebrows.

there was something strange about it, but you just couldn't for the life of you remember what was missing from the nightstand. you eventually just shrugged it off, trying not to think much of it.

you walked downstairs barefoot, hoping diluc wasn't actually just hiding in another room and waiting for you to wake up. luckily, he wasn't, but much to your shame, amber was.

she spit her drink out of her mouth and started laughing the second she saw you. slapping her hand over the table repeatedly, the girl just couldn't stop.

–"what? what is it?" you asked the girl in anticipation, a frown on your face.

the girl was crying of laughter, pointing to her own neck then to you while saying something unintelligible while regaining her breath. "oh no" was all you said, more to yourself, as you turned around to look into a mirror.

just as you expected, deep red blotchy marks were present on your neck. you covered your face with both your palms, hearing amber continue to laugh. you tried pulling the collar of your shirt to hide the hickeys but so desperately failed.

–"it's not funny!" you dryly chuckled underneath the palms of your hands.

you felt like you wanted to sink into the ground, never to be seen again.

–"so much so for hating him, huh?" she teased, an eyebrow raised.

–"you didn't-" you began, looking at her from the side, "last night, you didn't hear-"

–"what? oh no, i didn't hear anything last night," she started, looking out the window, "in fact, i spent it somewhere else" she admitted shyly.

you perked your head up towards her, your fingers still subconsciously tracing over the hickeys on your neck. your eyes widened and you went to guess who she was talking about before she interrupted you, wanting to admit so you could spare her her own dignity.

–"yes, with lumine," she crossed her arms defensively, "but before you get too excited, nothing happened unfortunately" she said the last part quietly.

–"i heard that" you grinned teasingly.

–"no you didn't" she said.

–"amber you're not fooling me" you told her as you sat down next to her with a plate of food, ready to dig in.

the brunette girl huffed, looking away once again.

the day passed by quickly, turning dark easily. a cold wind slammed on the windows of angel's share, the warm and exciting atmosphere of the inside was a magnet to people.

everybody seemed to be having a great time, but you. you were annoyed to say the least, rolling your eyes too many times at the random drunk man who was trying to flirt with you.

he was hiccuping, waving around a cup of wine that was only partly full. he reeked of alcohol and it was making you gag. you wanted nothing to do with the drunkard, and you made that very clear.

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