seven - memories

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today was d-day, or in translation kaeyas birthday party. the reason why you call it d-day is because of how crazy the parties can be, since he goes all out.

the weather was fairly clear considering it was late november, mondstadt and its people flew and changed as the wind did. the days were getting shorter and the nights got longer, the sun set quick but got up slow.

you and amber's traditions got moved to the inside of the tavern instead of the docks, in the cold's spite. just like every year, you were too stubborn to let go of your place at the docks.

every now and then you'd remember the night of your celebratory party. how diluc got so close to you and how he held your waist, how he caught you before your very expected fall, how he kissed you oh so gently in the pouring rain.

you would also notice how your heart sped up every time you saw him on the streets or in the tavern (the latter was in fact rare). the speed and volume of your heart got so loud you thought other people around you could hear it so you'd hide every time you saw him.

not only did you hide because of your obscure heartbeat but also because of, no matter how much you secretly enjoyed it, the snarky and mischievous remarks he'd throw at you. it was driving you up the wall, everything he did.

after a long day, you finally completed all your daily commissions. one of which contained protecting a monolith, two of them being clearing camps of hilichurls and destroying their wooden towers.

one of the archer hilichurls scraped your shoulder with their bow, causing the skin to split open and blood drip out from it. it wasn't anything serious, although, you knew it was going to leave a scar. oh well, what's another scar for your body's collection now?

you walked through the gates of mond, immediately being greeted by a few knights and getting questioned by the blood staining your arm. you only shrugged it off, it was like you couldn't even feel it at that point.

–"amber, where did you put the bandages?" you called out into the house as soon as you closed the door, recieving no answer whatsoever.

cursing to yourself, you paced through the house while pushing down on the wound in order to not bleed out as you tried to find the bandage wraps.

you finally found them as you started wrapping your cleaned shoulder up, going around the upper arm. this isn't gonna look pretty tonight, is it? you asked yourself.

luckily enough, the time had flown by while you were out defeating monsters and it was already a few hours after the sun set so you didn't have to mope around at home doing nothing.

amber bursted through the doors, almost as if she flew into them, almost tripping over her own feet and crashing into the opposite wall while her arms spun around like a chicken's wings.

–"you're gonna lose your license," you laughed at her, "again"

she laughed back with you before she took off her gliding wings as they dropped to the floor. the brunette also forgot to close the door so you made your way to it to close it. amber noticed the white wrap around your upper arm and she only nodded to it, asking you through her eyes "what happened?".

–"just some stupid archer hilichurl on a tower" you said as you let out a dry chuckle.

–"oh okay then," amber said, not questioning it too deeply as she knew there was no reason why she shouldn't trust you, "well then let's get dressed and get going"

–"good idea" you said, heading upstairs to figure out what to wear.

you settled for a somewhat tight dress of your favorite colour that reached just below your thighs, it had off-the-shoulder long sleeves that reached your wrist and a small slit where both of your legs were. you also threw on a coat over it so you wouldn't get too cold. a few pieces of jewelry also accompanied the dress.

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