Always You (Alternate Ending)

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Inosuke had been with these two for a while now. Zenitsu Agatsuma and Tanjiro Kamado. He enjoyed their company, even if he'd never admit that. Even if Zenitsu got on his nerves the majority of the time. But Tanjiro had never truly annoyed him, and Inosuke even respected him a lot. He always caught himself in awe of the boy with the checkered haori, but always dismissed how he felt as admiration...and as embarrassing. The things Tanjiro would say to Inosuke always put a big pit in his stomach, which pissed him off. He never understood this, until he brought it up to someone else.

"Love?" Inosuke questioned. He'd rarely ever heard that word, nor had he ever thought he'd felt it.

"It could be!" The Insect Hashira pointed at him, "Or, it could just be that you find him superior to yourself, which could be making you nervous?" She remarked.

"No way. No one is better than me." Inosuke praised himself, but then stopped, "But...if I love him, then what the hell am I supposed to do about that?" He asked. Inosuke was truly very concerned for himself and his future with Tanjiro, so he tried his best to stay calm. Shinobu began to speak, and told him her solution to his own issue.

"Ask him out, Inosuke."

Inosuke felt many things in this moment. Was he scared? Was he doubtful? Was he angry? He wasn't sure, but he honestly felt like all of those emotions in one. She was right, though. It was the only solution to his predicament, and he knew he had to do it sooner or later. Or else he'd be eaten up by what felt to be butterflies in his stomach.

It was tearing him up, all he wanted to do was rip out those feelings and pummel them into the ground for how they made him feel. Embarrassed, yet giddy. Inadequate, yet equal. Sad, yet happy. He'd never felt so many emotions all because of one person.

Inosuke thanked Shinobu, to her surprise. With that, he left to go back to his room with Tanjiro and Zenitsu in the Butterfly Mansion. He began to ponder more about Tanjiro and how he not only treats him, but the other people he meets. Inosuke's confidence dulled, only for doubt to take over.

Tanjiro was kind to everyone, even demons. Inosuke never understood that, because kindness and respect was earned, not just given even to those who have hurt you. Tanjiro would give you the shirt off of his back if you needed a shirt. He'd do anything for anyone, and expect nothing in return. This was also something he never understood. Tanjiro had done so many things for Inosuke, and Inosuke hadn't returned the favor. Not once.

This began to eat at Inosuke, which caused tears to slip. He wanted to treat Tanjiro better, he wanted to give that boy the entire world. He took his boar mask off, because he didn't want it to get wet. He was very obviously crying, but no one else was around since it was very late at night.

Inosuke continued walking, only to slowly fall to the floor. He threw his mask down the hall, and sat against the wall. He cried. He was so frustrated and confused, and he didn't know how to handle all of these feelings, so he completely broke down, completely unaware of his surroundings.

"Inosuke?" He heard a voice say. It was Tanjiro. Tanjiro was crouched down at his side, concerned for his friend. He was holding Inosuke's mask.

"Are you alright? What happened? Where did you go? I've been looking for you for a while now." Tanjiro said, worriedly. Only then did Inosuke lift his head, which made Tanjiro let out a barely audible gasp. Tanjiro sat down next to Inosuke, leaning on Inosuke slightly. He handed the boy his mask, and Inosuke grabbed it and stood up.

"Tanjiro." He said, looking intensely at Tanjiro. Tanjiro stood up too, and faced Inosuke.

"That's the first time I've heard you say it right, Inosuke." Tanjiro said, surprised. He smiled at Inosuke, which completely made him melt. Inosuke felt his face heating up, and in the heat of the moment, he said it.

"I love you, Tanjiro."

Tanjiro stood there for a minute, and then laughed. "That's the first time you've ever said my actual name, Inosuke! And I love you too! You're a very good friend to me and--" Inosuke cut him off.

"No, it's different. The way you make me make me sick to my stomach. But it's not bad. You make me all giddy but I start to doubt myself, which really pisses me off. You piss me off. I can't hate you , though. Actually, the more you do the things that make me mad, the more I love you. You're always so nice to me even if I don't do anything for you. I want to make you feel this way too. I want you to love me too. It was always you, Tanjiro." Inosuke said, tears streaming down his face. It felt good to let these emotions out, but it was a lot for him. However, it was a lot for Tanjiro too.

Tanjiro stared at Inosuke, in complete awe. He couldn't believe what he was hearing, it felt like a dream. He noticed Inosuke's nervous expression turn to sadness, and Tanjiro quickly broke the silence.

"Inosuke, I've always felt the same. I know I always do things for others, but I always try to do more for you. I've always wanted you to notice my feelings, but I kept telling myself you had no interest in romance. I always put myself down over it. I couldn't be happier to hear those words come out of your mouth, Inosuke. I love you, too." Tanjiro said, choked up. Inosuke felt a wave of relief wash over him, and dropped to the ground. Tanjiro joined him too, and lovingly stared at him.

"I'm not dreaming, right?" Inosuke said, then he began to laugh. Tanjiro joined in, and they were both just a giggling mess on the floor.

"Well, Kentarou, I am the best after all! I wouldn't expect anything less in your answer!" Inosuke said, proudly. He stood up, and grabbed Tanjiro's hand to help him up.

"You were so close Inosuke! How did you forget my name already?" Tanjiro said with a sigh, and Inosuke laughed, which confused Tanjiro. "What's so funny, huh?" Tanjiro laughed. He noticed Inosuke was still holding his hand, and looked back up at Inosuke, who was fondly looking at him.

"It was a joke. Your name is unforgettable, Tanjiro." Inosuke said, his face as red as Tanjiro's red highlights. Tanjiro's face quickly heated up, and butterflies began to fill his stomach.

Tanjiro pulled Inosuke closer to his face, and placed his lips on Inosuke's. Inosuke didn't understand it, but he went with it and copied what Tanjiro did with his own lips. They pulled away from each other, and Tanjiro grabbed Inosuke's face, gently.

"It's always been you, Inosuke." Tanjiro whispered to him, which made Inosuke melt. He began to lean towards Tanjiro again, but then noticed someone behind Tanjiro.

"Get a room." Zenitsu said, confused but smiling. Tanjiro and Inosuke's faces heated up again, and Zenitsu sighed. "You guys were going to have to tell me eventually. Plus anyone saw this coming from a mile away. What I don't understand is..." The aura of the hallway quickly changed, and Tanjiro and Inosuke could've sworn they were seeing lightning around their yellow-haired friend.

"HOW ARE YOU GUYS DATING, YET I HAVEN'T FOUND NOT A SINGLE PERSON? HOW DOES THAT WORK, HUH? ITS NOT FAIR! DAMN YOU BOTH! GO TO HELL!" Zenitsu screamed, chasing them down the hall. They both ran, screaming for him to stop.

The three boys were loud enough that they woke up the girls working in the mansion, and they had to drag them back to their room. After getting an earful from Zenitsu, he finally passed out, which left Inosuke and Tanjiro alone again.

"Hey, Tanjiro?" Inosuke turned to ask his now boyfriend. He looked nervous, and Tanjiro already knew what he was going to ask, and scooted over to make room for Inosuke in his bed.

"C'mere." Tanjiro said, with a smile and a blush on his face. Inosuke took off his boar mask, and crawled into Tanjiro's bed. He grabbed Tanjiro's arm, and held it close to him.

"We'll always be together, right?" Inosuke asked, looking up at Tanjiro. Tanjiro sighed, and with a smile, kissed his boyfriend on his forehead.


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