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"Fuck my life."

In the space of a week, Blair had attended two funerals for people that she had cared deeply about, which, in all honesty was more than she'd been too in her entire lifetime...and she was confident in saying that she was pretty sure she could go the rest of said life without showing up to another one. It was just all too much and far too painful, the atmosphere that hung around them all like an ominous fog, the dark clothes with even darker faces, the condolences and the overwhelming feeling of death and rot and dirt.

Not that she voiced those thoughts aloud of course, no matter how much they swirled around her head, getting louder and louder until a migraine began to form, trembling hands clenching into tight fists as she listened to the priest in front of her drone on and on and on while she was getting closer and closer to losing her goddamn mind.

It seemed that the weather hadn't gotten the memo that it was a sad day for mourning, for the horrific loss of a young life with the sun shining bright amongst the clear skies that stretched across the horizon endlessly, birds singing their gentle songs that washed over her ears like a pleasant melody and a light breeze brushing over her cheeks like a soft caress and perhaps she'd enjoy it if it wasn't for such a bad time for it, if it was on a different day, if it was in the past when the world seemed to make sense.

Something had taken Will, something had taken Barb and something had tried to take her but couldn't because apparently she was some sort of fucking witch...a witch? Seriously? What's next, was Jonathan going to start howling at the moon or something? Maybe Nancy fucking Wheeler was even a secret Succubus, feeding off the flesh of men or something else stupid like that. Blair shook her head with a scoff and ignored the sharp looks she received from the mourners around her, too busy arguing with herself in her own head to really notice anything other than her impending meltdown as flowers were laid upon the closed casket.

However, she was finally brought out of her trance like state from where she was glaring at the ground as she felt someone crash into her, arms wrapping around her waist tightly and a head of curly hair brushing against her stomach as she staggered back a few paces with a curse, eyes going wide as she flinched and looked down only to sigh in relief as she realised just who it was.

"Dustin." She breathed out slowly, ignoring the hammering pain in her ribs that ached and yanked at her flesh like a disastrous bruise as she pulled him closer in an rare embrace, resting her chin on his head affectionately until her eyes caught Lucas and Mike rushing towards her from the thick crowd of people, their own gazes firmly set as they weaved their way through, finally managing to escape just as Dustin pulled away, smiling up at her with his rather unique smile that made a grin blossom across her face without a second thought.

"What happened to your face?" And that, of course, was the first thing out of Lucas's mouth as he came up to her, pointing his arm up towards her head where the butterfly stitches ruined whatever vibe she was going for and she quickly slapped his arm down with a hiss, moving her bangs across her forehead properly once more and trying not to wince when her pinky finger brushed across the still-healing wound. Seriously, she was starting to resemble Frankenstein's monster with the amount of cuts and bruises littering her body.

"Didn't your mom teach you that it's rude to point, you little shit?" Blair snapped with a huff, shaking her head side to side as she tutted, hoping to distract him for a few moments as she tried to figure out an excuse that didn't involved getting chased by an ugly looking monster only to find out that she was literally a witch but he just narrowed his eyes at her, even going as far as to cross his arm over his chest in an effort to show his displeasure like some sort of disappointed mother. "Hey! Don't give me that look, I invented that look. And if you must know so bad I fell over the other day and hit my head off the counter."

CHARMED, steve harrington Where stories live. Discover now