Chapter 3: Planes and Sick Maneuvers

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Time: 0430 3 days after discovery

Timeline #291847 Name: Azur Lane #432131

Location: Azur Lane Infirmary

Status: Alive


Your POV

You woke up in the middle of the night feeling somewhat energetic and since it's night and no one's around, you leave the Infirmary.

Y/N: Well where tf am I now?

You forgot to close the door and and the wind slammed the door closed waking up a certain carrier.

Y/N: Oh shit I hope no one heard that.

Enterprise POV

I woke up from a door slamming shut so I opened my curtains and see the male outside and he left the area so I got my clothes on (Fuck off perverts) and followed him to the airfield.

"Why is he going to the airfield?"

Your POV

You reached the airfield and go to a hangar with an SBD inside. You pull the SBD out of the hangar without breaking a sweat. 

Y/N: That was easy, though how did I not break a sweat?

You hopped in the SBD and did some pre-flight check ups to make sure you don't die. You turned on the engines and push the throttle to 20%.

Y/N: Well time to do some sunrise viewing! HELL YEAH!

In 15 seconds you pulled the plane up and went west passing over the dorms waking some people up. Then you pushed it up to 50%.

Y/N: Let's hope I don't get shot down now.

Enterprise POV

I saw the male take off in 15 seconds which I could not do at all. I went to Wales who looked like she went through 7 hours of paperwork.

"Wales *pant* The male *pant* took off in *pant* a plane."

Wales: It's too early.... wait WHAT!?!?!?! I don't think chasing him now is a good idea.

"How so?"

Wales: It's dark and everyone's still asleep or tired.

Your POV

( I realized what I just fucked up so OOF)

"Well Well Well if it isn't the nice morning of sunrise and siren ships.... WAIT SIRENS!!?!?"

The siren ships started shooting at you but luckily their aim is shit. Then 20 siren fighters took off from their carriers and started chasing you.

"Ah shit here we go again!"

Conveniently, the wisdom cube that you found earlier materialized into a human but you knew who he was too well.

???:Huh where am I?

"Wait that voice... MILLER?!??!?!"

Miller: Who are you?

"Consider me as a friend for now okay? Please shoot those planes down before we die."

Miller: Okay.

Miller then started shooting the planes down to where there's 2 left and no one know's where both are.

Miller: Enemy plane behind us.


The second siren plane lined upon the front and hit Y/N in the left arm but it did not hit an important area. But Miller shot it down as it flew by.

"Aw fuck that hurts."

Miller: You okay up there?

"Did you shoot down the one behind us?"

Miller: No but wait where did it go?

"Well let's get outta here."

7 mins later

"I see Azur Lane Base."

Miller: The hell is Azur Lane?

"It's like WW2 where you came from but there are these aliens called sirens that pushed humanity out of the oceans."

Miller: So this is an alternate timeline.

"Yes and .... wait you know about alternate timelines?!?!?!"

Miller: There was this god lady said something about me being sent to fight in a alternate timeline."

"Hu....." (If you know what this references you get a cookie.)

"So the US is Eagle Union, the Japanese is Sakura Empire, Germany is IronBlood and Britain is Royal Navy and the ships are actual girls that can turn into their riggings which are important parts of the ships attached to their bodies."

Miller: This is weird.

Suddenly the siren plane from earlier got behind the plane and blew the left wing on fire from 20mm cannon fire before it got shot down by Miller.

"Crap the wings on fire and the hydraulic system on the wing is shot."

Miller: That's not good.

Enterprise POV

I heard an explosion outside and rushed outside.  

"What happened? Are we under attack?"

Javelin: I saw a explosion cloud in the distance.

I pulled out a binocular and saw a plane with it's left wing on fire and a siren jet going down.

"Wait.... it's the male from this morning."

Wales: This morning? Oh I remember.

Illustrious: What do you mean?

Wales: Enterprise said the male took off in a plane this morning.

Vestal: So that's where he went this morning.

"Wait where is is going?"

We suddenly heard a loud "Brace for Impact".

Your POV

I saw a group of girls outside watching me. But the thing is.... I'm crashing into what it looks like a park/docks.

"I can't pull up without spinning out of control so BRACE FOR IMPACT!"

Then everything went black.

To be continued


Well I almost got lazy but here's chapter 3. 780+ words. So see you on chapter 4. Tell me if there's any mistakes.

Meanwhile in the real world

Author: Well the vaccine hurts like hell.

Best(Soon): Well that's life for you.

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