Chapter 3: Laval I

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It had been three days since Laval left the Black City. After parting ways with the Nomads, Laval rode Echo's Speedor southwest, towards the Sanctuary Forest. I want to become a great warrior, Laval had decided. I need to be someone others can depend on. No one else should die for me. With minimal resistance, Laval had driven through the Rocklands and the Gilded Plains, and the Sanctuary Forest was not too far away. Laval had driven past a road which he knew led to the Lion Temple, but had forced himself to keep going forward. I'd be of no use to anyone if I returned home now, he thought. Would they forgive me for letting Father die? And Mother, and Lennox? He had also stopped in several towns to rest, but made sure to keep his face well-hidden. Despite everything he did, Furty had the right idea about stealth, he thought. I'm still wanted by Crooler.

While in taverns and inns, Laval had overheard whispers of the horrific event he had nearly witnessed: the Black Banquet. "I heard that the Raven Tribe lured them in with gold," he had heard a rhinoceros say. "And when the lions tried to take it, they killed them!"

"No, you idiot," another had replied. "They drugged their food and then they killed them!" Regardless of the story, the outcome was the same; King Lennox, Queen Lyra, Queen-Mother Leona and the entirety of the lion forces that had gone to the Blacklands had been completely annihilated, meaning that legally, lordship of the Lion Tribe had fallen to Laval. Some king I am, he had thought ruefully as he drove onward. I can't protect anyone. But I suppose that's why I'm headed to the Sanctuary Forest. Laval thought of Gunter, his mentor back in the Citadel. I had only known him for a few days, he reminisced, but he still died for me. Without him, I'd have never made it out of the Citadel. Laval grit his teeth and clenched his fist in frustration. But what did I do with that? he asked himself. Have I even made a difference since I left? I got captured by Furty, I rode with the Nomads and even got some of them killed, and I was useless in saving my brother and mother from the Raven Tribe. I've done nothing! It was midday, but the skies were covered with clouds, casting a more sombre mood on the young king. The yellow grasslands of the Gilded Plains were slowly becoming greener and thicker, meaning that the territory of the Gorilla Tribe was fast approaching. I won't let your sacrifice be in vain, Gunter, he thought, excited at how close he was to his destination. I won't let any of your sacrifices be in vain. Justice will be served for all of you.

Soon, Laval began to see trees. They were few and far between at first, and they were quite small. Still, their beautiful green leaves filled Laval with a sense of tranquility, and as he continued his journey, the trees began to appear closer and closer together. Then, finally, he saw what had to be the entrance to the Sanctuary Forest. Two colossal trees, wider than Laval was tall, stood like ancient pillars, with a wide pathway between them. All around them were more trees, with far-extending branches which created a canopy. Is that even a path? Laval thought, squinting at the gap between the trees. It doesn't seem like it. There are other trees and roots in the way. He glanced up to see if any gorillas were swinging in the trees above, but he saw no movement. Glancing around, Laval took a deep breath and slowly drove into the Sanctuary Forest, not wanting to go too fast due to the uneven ground. Once he entered, the world around him seemed to change. The sounds of the jungle enveloped him; it was as if he had been dropped in the centre of a dense forest instead of being on the edge. He looked back uneasily, but shook his head and continued forward, slowly weaving through the bumpy and serpentine paths between the trees. The gentle hum of his Speedor was the only artificial sound he could hear. All around him, he heard the buzzing of insects and the call of birds; the rustling of leaves and the faintest hint of rushing water. It's really like a different world in here, he mused. I wonder why no one comes here; it's so peaceful.

A Game of Chi Book III: A Sword of DustUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum