Chapter 12: Gorzan II

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Crokenburg's forces reached the eastern shore of the Northerlands fairly quickly following their departure from Black Harbour. The snow that had been falling as they approached the north had picked up, and while it was far from a blizzard, it was much more than Gorzan was used to. The waters of the Diamond Sea were still churning, but from the spray that occasionally wetted his fur felt much colder than the southern waters he was habituated to. After the Steeljaw had delivered his short speech to his troops, morale among them was at an all-time low. Even Gorzan could barely bring himself to reassure the crocodiles about their uncertainties.

"What did he mean by how we'll fight the tribes until they submit?" Crux asked. He, Gorzan and several others were eating below decks, well out of earshot of Crokenburg. "Are we going to war with the other tribes of Chima as well?"

"No," Gorzan replied immediately. At least, I hope not. "All the king meant was we're not going to tolerate disloyalty. It is Crokenburg's right to rule Chima, so any tribe that refuses to help us is technically committing treason." Craven, who was also seated with them, frowned. "Right, but say they refuse to help us. Then will we fight them?" Gorzan sighed deeply and leaned back in his wooden chair, closing his eyes. "If we must," he answered quietly, "but only as a last resort. The Pack has already said that they'll join us in our righteous quest to restore Chima's proper ruler on the throne." The reaction of the crocodiles was silence. Finally, Crux spoke up. "But what if they don't? Or if we don't agree to their terms? We'll fight again?" Before Gorzan could reply, Crux continued. "Look, I'm no veteran, but I know that unless there are only half a dozen wolves or so, we stand no chance against them. We're reptiles, and we'll freeze up here. Plus, their Speedorz have special wheels to drive through the snow — I should know; I used to help Cranvil with our crocodile Speedorz and he told me that." The other crocodiles murmured their agreement, but Gorzan cleared his throat. "I know you all have your doubts," he said quietly, "but we must trust in Cavora that we'll be victorious. The Steeljaw is the rightful ruler of Chima, isn't he?" When the crocodiles nodded, Gorzan banged his fist on the table. "Then we'll win. It's that simple. That's what Cavora wants."

"I'm starting to think Cavora wants us to lose," Crux muttered. Gorzan was about to reply to him when a crocodile ran down below decks. "We've arrived!" he shouted. "Let's set down the anchor and head inland!" Nodding, Gorzan, soon followed by Crux, Craven and the rest, got up and followed the messenger to the deck of the Command Ship, where numerous others were already gathered. Crokenburg was standing on the stern of the ship, barking out orders. "Once the anchor is down, we'll head to the Barrier," Crokenburg said. "Alpha Wolf Worriz said he'd receive us there to discuss the terms of our alliance. Let's make haste."

"Understood!" the men called out. While some cranked out the anchor, the others lifted their Speedorz onto the many lifeboats hanging off the side of the Command Ship, Gorzan among them. As he lugged his silver-and-blue gorilla Speedor onto one of the boats, he looked at the snowy shore not too far from them. I hope the Pack was serious about this, he mused, or we're done for.

Crokenburg and Gorzan led their forces through the snow-covered terrain of the Northerlands, trying to ignore the biting cold that cut through the air. Another group of crocodiles had managed to procure coats in Black Harbour, but they were scarcely enough for Gorzan to feel even slightly comfortable. He couldn't even imagine how bad the crocodiles had it. Unsurprisingly, Crokenburg had not said a word about the cold; instead, he had remained silent through their drive. In his mind, recalled the map of Chima every animal learned as a child, plotting their journey to Wylda's Stronghold, at the centre of the Barrier. We've been driving relatively parallel to the Barrier, and we just passed by the Black Wolf Camp, Gorzan thought, thinking back to the town in which the Black Wolf Tribe lived. The name "camp" is deceiving, Gorzan mused. But it probably came from the fact that the Southern Wolf Tribes used to be nomadic, setting up campsites and then leaving. But that lifestyle only lasted for so long. In the end, they had to settle down somewhere. Everyone needs a home.

A Game of Chi Book III: A Sword of DustOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant