Chapter one

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LOCATION- In a chic tabaco room on the East Side called The Parlor. 

"Who are they?"

The lavish parlor was adorned with expensive Persian rugs, deep red silk curtains and wallpaper decorated the room. The smell of smoke and liquor was thick in the air as steam swirled above the cup of tea that the woman watched. She watched how to smoke curled and unfastened itself into the air above the golden brown tea. " Thugs," she answered as she looked up at the investigator, " they are just street thugs." He scowled, his skin sickly pale and his cheeks hollow with brittle blond hair sticking like straws on his head.

His suit looked out of place on him, on his slender arms and dull blue eyes. They said he was a prodigy, only 30 and one of the highest ranked detectives on the field. Nora tilted her head, he certainly did not look all that extraordinary, but she doubted she did either. She wasn't as famous as he, but she held respect in her department, enough to inquire why the government would send a man as promising as him to her shabby part of the city. "They are not just thugs," he picked up the file as Nora looked back at her steaming cup, " Johnny and Xander Porter, twins born to Cameron and Warner Porter seventeen years ago in July. Warner Porter was found dead in his living room four years ago by a 7.92×57mm Mauser." He looked up at Nora, bewildered to find her faces stoic and unsurprised.

"Nora," he said. She looked up at him, giving a small hum in response, " the 57mm Mauser is used on German machine guns."

Nora nodded in conformation, " you know your guns."

"13 year-old twins shot-" he paused as he glanced back at the picture in the file- "mutilated their father with a forgeign machine gun."

" The boy used an MG 42," Nora stated, meeting the investigators gaze, she sounded like a teacher correcting her student on a trifle miserror.

The investigator cocked an eyebrow, " Boy? I thought that both the brothers were suspects."

Nora gives a reluctant shrug, " maybe, but Johnny Porter was diagnosed with Anti-personality disorder when he was 11. It would be easier for a sociopath to murder his father don't you think?"

The investigator internally sighed wearily, this woman knew all of this, he thought as he looked into the file in his lap. But he doubted she knew about the case he was working on.It was such an extraordinary case, one that he had never even read of that had occurred in decades. He flipped through the page and jolted to a stop at the diagnoses page. The mother had taken the twins to a physiologist when they were 11, she herself was diagnosed with manic depression at the age of 16, she was afraid the same thing for her children.

" The other boy, Xander," he said as he continued reading the passage, " he was...strange."

Nora snorted, "to put it lightly."

The investigator ripped his eyes off the paper to Nora, " he was labeled a threat to society at the age of 11. Diagnosed with clinical masochism, sadism, manic depression-"

" I know, Detective," Nora interrupted, " I've read the files already." The investigator closed the folder and threw it on the table, crossing his arms and leaning back into the expensive red chair. "Two mentally deranged twins murdered their abusive father when they turned 13. They didn't even live at the house anymore, they ran away one year prior and stopped attending public school at the age of 8. Their mother killed herself four months after they murdered their father and they have been on the run ever since."

The investigator stared at Nora as she finished. She raised an eyebrow, " did I miss anything?"

He took in a deep breath and picked up the file once more, "yes, the older one by 3 minutes, Johnny," Nora looked at him inquisitively.

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