Turo (Ogre) NSFW

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It was a Tuesday night, and you were flipping through your phone while listening to music, a beer in your hand, relaxing before bed. It had been a nice, lazy day, and it was getting fairly late, but you didn't have to be at work in the morning, so there was no rush to go to sleep.

Browsing OkCryptid was a favorite hobby of yours since its inception several years ago, even though you'd never actually dated anyone from it. It was like people watching from the comfort of your own home. Despite the fact that your profile was completely blank and there wasn't even a picture, you still got plenty of messages, which you ignored. It's not like you weren't interested in dating, you just thought online dating was a trap.

You came across a profile for a person by the name of Turo with no photograph. That wasn't unusual, but what was unusual was that the rest of his profile was completely filled out and extremely detailed. He actually seemed really cool. He was a miner who worked in a stone quarry on the outskirts of the town where you lived. He liked a lot of the same things you did, seemed really friendly and had his life together. The only thing about him that seemed weird is that there wasn't a single picture on his profile.

Finally, curiosity got the better of you and you clicked on messages.

>You know, you're the only person I've ever messaged on this app, and it's to ask why you don't have a picture.

You didn't expect him to answer, since it was so late, so you went back to scrolling. However, his response was instantaneous.

>If I'm being totally honest, I'm a little self-conscious.

You snorted to yourself. >Of what?

>Well, my kind are the types who don't interact with humans very much, so I'm kind of unusual. I get a lot of stares and things like that when I encounter people other than co-workers, who are mostly non-human. I live near where I work, so I don't go out in public much unless I have to go shopping, though I do most of that online, too.

>So why set up a dating profile? You asked him.

>Well... I mean... I'm lonely.

You hummed uncertainly. >I'm suspicious of online dating. People can say anything they want to online, even if it's not true.

>Then why do you have a profile?

>I don't know, boredom?

>Are you dating someone?


>Then, couldn't you be lonely, too?

That caught you by surprise. It seemed like a genuinely earnest question.

>So how do I know you're telling the truth about yourself?

>Why would I lie about being shy?

>I dunno, to gain sympathy?

>You're awfully cynical.

>I've been catfished before, so it's less cynicism and more caution.

>Oh, that had to have sucked.

>You have no idea. So don't mind if I'm a little standoffish.

>Well, I guess I could send you a photo of me, but... I'm worried you'll stop talking to me after.

>Why's that?

OkCryptid: The Monster Dating AppHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin