Where it began

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(Listen as you read ^^^^)

Immediately after reading the message I had to set my phone down. My lunch was over and I couldn't risk being late.

As I sat in Spanish class, I couldn't get over what Edna has just said. The text just kept replaying in my mind.

  Not to Soon after,her text slowly escaped my mind and the persistent chanting of my Spanish teacher telling the class our homework was due "para mañana" filled my mind. I carried on with the rest of my day.

School eventually came to an end and I finally got to relax. I finished my homework at 4:32 and that's when I picked up my phone. I had been on Twitter awaiting a mafia game to start. That's when I texted edmiyaniqueen telling them to let me know when the game started.

After sending that text, that's when it me. I never replied to Ednas earlier message.

Holding back tears, I sent back "EDNA" followed by "NO" and "PLS". The text I sent after will have forever changed the life of our dearest Edna.

For context, the message Edna had sent was about how she was walking and her knees gave out.

This is when I, yani, wrote " U GOT WEAK KNEES"

At the time, I didn't know the weight these words held. I thought it was a funny joke that everyone would forget in 2 minutes or until queen made a spelling mistake.

I was wrong.

Edna immediately replied calling me a "MF" which I am ( I 💓milfs)

No one else really replied to that message knees after that. I thought it was over..... but weak knees appears on my tl 3 times a day

(Even as I type this at 9:24am on may 9th, Miiya just called Edna weak knees.)

Not only has weak knees changed Ednas life, it nearly changed her relationship. ( IM SORRY I FEEL GUITLY)

The lesson learned here was, kids...... don't call your friends weak knees. Support their knees. Call them strong knees🙏🏽🙏🏽 be their support system

Thank you for taking the time and listening to my story. Let this story change your outlook on life. Let this story teach you to not call your friends weak knees.

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