"Why are you being so serious? I was just joking! Of course, I'm planning for our future because I want to be a dependable husband" He winked at Tong. The person beside him made a poker face.

"Why? You don't want to marry me? We already did what a husband and wife are doing" Pok widened his eyes as he was really serious. Tong covered Pok's mouth as he got shy.

"Shut up! someone might hear you!" He feels like stomping on Pok and scolding him for speaking without shame.

"OK, OK, don't be shy" Pok said after losing a hand of Tong.

"Wait "Tong squinted his eyes to look closely when he noticed something.

"What?" Pok inquired as Tong approached the notice.

"Is that Phai?"Tong said after he raised the other papers that were covering the photo.

"Yeah and... P'Thanu!" Pok replied. Both of them looked at each other with wide eyes. When Pok is about to get the photo.

"Hey, what are you going to do?" He halted. Tong immediately grabbed Pok's hand away because Phai appeared and walked over to their position.

"Wha is it?"Phai asked. The two slightly move back while looking at each other. They decided to pretend they knew nothing about the photo.


"All right, get in your seat, we're about to leave" When a woman with a small megaphone boarded, Phai's group was forced to sit in their seats. One by one, students outside got on the bus until they were fully occupied. The boys remained silent for an hour.

"Why does he need it to hide, what is he thinking?" Sab complained in the back seat, next to Klui, as he felt betrayed.

Phai feels sad as he knew Sab is also a Wayu and Thanu shipper. He believes things will
get more complicated now. He sighed deeply, which Sandee noticed.

"Talk to us if you feel like talking. They don't know the complete story. That's why they are like that. Don't worry, they will understand you" He tapped his shoulder.

Phai put his hand on his face as he didn't know what to do anymore now that all of his friends had the suspicion. He needs to give them an explanation, but he wants it to be concrete after he accepted Thanu or rejected him before saying the whole truth to them.


Phai' house



[Hi, are you now at your house?]

"Yes, P'Thanu I'm already here"

[Are you alright? You do sound a little sad]

''Um, I'm okay, just tired from the long ride "he lied.

[Is that so? Now I want to go there and look after you]

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