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''Okay, everyone! Let's get moving! Freshmen on this bus! Others are there! Come on, move now we are about to leave" After taking the photograph, the officers immediately summoned everybody to board the buses. Kit could not speak with Phai when a senior grab him for an important matter. He became troubled by what was happening with Thanu and his brother. He gets his phone and line Phai that he will talk to him at home.

"Careful" To the people around them who are looking, Thanu accompanies Phai to the bus and helps him with his luggage.

"It's Ok P'Thanu.. there's no need for you to help me..I..I can carry it myself" Phai gets shy. Except for Sandee, he has been shy for a long time because his friends around him are with mouth goes wide open for what they are seeing.

"It's all right It's heavy, your body won't be able to bear it " Thanu says, still putting up the language above the compartment

"You should go now, P'Thanu...our bus may leave now" Phai said with a low firm voice. Thanu then takes a look around
them. Klui is standing with his hands over
his chest, Sab is rubbing his head as he
processes just what happening, Pok and
Tong is smiling, and Sandee is lean against the seat's side.

"Ok, I know you 're shy, I will now leave.. take care of yourself, and don't forget to take your medicine" Thanu gives another
glance at the other before getting off the
bus. The group shows their respect.
Sab hurriedly inquired after Thanu had left.

''Phai! Explain!'' Sab exclaimed.

"Yeah! We need to know, How the world, P'Thanu is like that!" Kalae also could not help to ask out of curiosity

"You! How about P'Wayu? Don't they... and why you... suddenly and him" Sab is at a loss for words of what to say to his friend. All of them know Thanu and Wayu
have a deep relationship. It made him
surprised by what he saw now and before.
Klui remained silent, only watching the two interrogate Phai, waiting for his answer.

Phai's heart pounded that his palms shook and sweat fell off his brow. He is, without a
doubt, in the hot seat. He's at a loss for words about how to inform them of their current situation and because their relationship isn't quite what his friends, assume it is yet, so he stayed quiet. Fortunately, Sandee came to his rescue once

"Guys, just give him space. We should respect his decision not to discuss it with us right now. He'll tell us when the time comes" Sandee said, noticing he didn't know what to say.

"Yeah, don't make it difficult to him" Tong said.

"True, let's not nosy his private life today, we are all tired, we should take a rest first" Pok added then begin to settle to his seat, and Tong followed.


"Look, there'll be a field trip" Tong calls out to Pok, who was walking alongside him when he saw the pinned paper on the bulletin board.

"Is that true? That's great, because it has stressed me in our department. We have
a lot of things to do. It makes me want
to drop out of my course right now" Pok took a closer look.

"Silly, that's how a college student is. After all, you aren't the only one that is stressed, it's just a matter of adjustment to be more mature and independent"

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