Graffiti Art --Part 5--

Start from the beginning

"If you are reporting a crime or in a medical emergency, please hand up and call 110. Press 1 to speak to a representative. Press 2 for directions to this building. Press 3 for visiting hours."

I hesitated and pressed 1 and automatically regretted the decision. I should have pressed 3, maybe? I panicked and a male with a calm voice picked up.

"Officer Natsushiro Takaaki."

"Hello officer, uh. I'm looking for someone who got arrested this morning?"

"State their full name, age, and occupation, miss."

"Oh, yes. Um... Eve, he's 16, a high school student?"

I heard a keyboard clicking and a long pause. "Eve, born May twenty-third, currently attends Fujioka academy?"

"Yes! That's him! Is he being detained there?"

"No, miss. He is being detained currently in the Tokyo Detention Center at Katsushika."

Bingo. "Okay, uh. Thank you so much, Officer Takaaki." I hung up before he can say anything else and I looked up where this detention center was. It's still a two hour commute by train. But it's all or nothing- just to see him. I led myself to the station and I heard someone call out to me.

"{First Name}!" I look behind me but saw no one through a crowd of people. "{First Name}!"

I stand looking like a deer in headlights toward the origin of the voice, then I found him. "Soraru?" I walked towards him and closed the gap between us, "what are you doing here?"

"Better yet, what are you doing here?"

"I'm looking for a friend. My English project partner. He got arrested and I need to get to him."

Soraru scowled at me. "Why?"

I was speechless. What was I supposed to say? That I liked him? "Because I have to apologize to him. And it's really important to me that I do so."

He just nodded. "Your mom sent me to find you. She's worried and confused and is demanding that you go back."

"You see... I can't."

"I know that."

"Then why are you telling me this?"

He looked at a car parked of the far right entrance of the station. "Need a ride?"

My face broke out of its gloomy façade and I smiled uneasily. "Are you sure?"

"Very. Now where is your friend detained?"


Once we were in his car, he input the address of the detention center and we started off.

"Isn't this kid from the ghetto?

"Yes, I know. But he's different."

"That's what people say when they're in love with a gangster."

My heart skipped a beat. How did he know? "What?"

"If you're wondering how I know, I've been in similar shoes like yours."


He shifted in his seat and sighed. "Well I fell I love with a 'gangster.'" My eyes widened at him while his were fixed on the road. "I dated him when I was a first year. We technically kept it a secret because of obvious reasons like my unapprovingly mean parents and money." He laughed, "Why money you ask? He was poor and I was rich. My parents hated people like him, but he was times two. They broke us up and I never saw him again. They instilled heterosexuality in me and tried to pick out rich girls for me. When they met you, they thought you were prefect for me."

Graffiti Art --Delinquent Eve x Reader--Where stories live. Discover now