Chapter 4

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I shot from the bed and rushed to the window as soon as he was gone, taking deep breaths.

"In and out lizzie in and out." I reminded myself. I didn't turn around, just concentrating on the simple task of taking air into my lungs and pushing it out. I felt my stomach twist and rushed into the bathroom, emptying my lunch into the toilet.

The men had poured drinks out by the time i got back, they were talking softly and rapidly, too low for my human ears.

i walked up to them and grabbed the decanter, making myself a drink, they looked like they wanted to say something but the fact that they weren't supposed to talk to me stopped them.

I spent the night sitting by the window again, and i knew adrian was restless himself, but he didn't say anything. He left the room early next morning and was gone for the rest of the day. Had it not been for the unmade bed, i wouldn't have realised he had come back at all, and the following week passed in the same manner.

"You alright?" Ryder asked one day as he came to check on me and i stared at him in surprise, he shrugged.

"Why do you talk to me?" I asked. "I mean i like it but adrian can't tell the difference between me and the table lamp." I said and he snorted, as if i had said something really funny.

Adrian choose that moment to appear, a big smile on his face, which dropped for a moment when he saw the two of us.

"It's done." He said and Ryder's eyes widened, adrian immediately reached for the bottle and poured out two glasses. "The first draft is ready and signed by father, it is on it's way to uncle now."

"What's the new decree about?" I asked and his smile flattered for a moment but he shook his head, not looking at me, i rolled my eyes and went back to my mattress

"When can i got out, by the way," i said. "You didn't make me wear this dog collar for nothing did you?"

"It's too dangerous." Ryder said dismissively.

"One of us will always be with her." Adrian assured him, still not looking at me and ryder gave him a flat look. "I just convinced father Ry, keeping it holed up in this room won't do us any good. And with the new decree in process, i started it, i can't give up or i will loose credibility."

"What about when we both are out?" He asked. "The rest won't do anything but you know Luca, he will do anything to discredit you, you are the next in line, he will do anything to get you off."

"The court needs to see ryder," Adrian said rubbing his hand on his face. "If we want the new decree to be passed, the court needs to see that we can live side by side, three out of the twelve have already voiced their doubts about the system."

"Adrian, it took them a century to establish that kind of trust in the free lands, the decree is not even a decade old, we can not rush things. And yes, the decree is important but she is not from here, she doesn't get the situation."

So that was why he had saved me, the decree, he needed his uncle to see he was committed, committed enough to bring a dying human into his own room and nurse her, no, not her, nurse IT back to health. I felt what little hope i had in me flicker out and die.

I poured myself a second drink and they both paused to look at me. "I can handle two drinks." I assured them and they went back to discussing the situation. Adrian wordlessly pulled the decanter away as he saw me down the second glass. "I can handle myself." I said suddenly and they stopped talking, still not looking at me. "I will only go out one hour a day, with one of you, i promise." I was starting to sound desperate, i chewed on my lips as i thought it over, the empty days were killing me.

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